
Free Phantom by Laura DeLuca

Book: Phantom by Laura DeLuca Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura DeLuca
Tags: Juvenile Fiction
lightly. “Why doesn’t that surprise me?”
    Her eyes were starting to adjust to the dim light, and she was able to see the outline of her companion. Even in the dark room, his silver necklace clearly glittered around his neck. It was the same one he had been wearing in the gym, a star in a circle. It made her curious.
    “Can I ask you a question?”
    He shrugged. “It’s not like I have anything better to do at the moment.”
    “I don’t want to offend you.”
    She knew he smiled because she saw the white glint of his teeth through the darkness. “I’m not easily offended.”
    “Your necklace.” Rebecca surprised herself with her own courage when she reached out to touch it. “Does it mean something to you? Or is it only for shock value?” He was quiet for a minute and that made her nervous. “I did offend you, didn’t I?”
    He laughed out loud. “Not at all. You just took me by surprise, that’s all. I wish more people would ask instead of making presumptions. It’s a pentacle. Each corner represents one of the elements.” As he explained, he lifted her hand and guided her fingers around the points of the star. “Air, fire, water, and earth. And the center is spirit. I wear it for protection.”
    Only after he let her hand go was she able to speak. And even then she had to clear her throat. “Protection from what?”
    “That’s two questions. It’s my turn to ask you one now.”
    She nodded, even though he probably couldn’t see her. “Okay, that sounds fair. What’s your question?”
    “Would you give me the pleasure of escorting you to the Halloween dance?”
    Rebecca was surprised at first, and even a little excited. But then she remembered she had already promised to go to the dance with Tom. She wanted to go to the dance with Tom. She had been waiting all her life to go out with Tom. But she still regretted the answer she had to give Justyn and she found that she was glad for the darkness. He couldn’t read the expression on her face, any more than she would have to see the disappointment on his.
    “I . . . can’t,” she told him. “I already told someone else I would go with them.”
    He sighed, but didn’t really sound surprised. “You know, if you continue to turn me down when I ask you out, eventually I might stop asking.”
    “Yes, but it will take a while. I’m extremely stubborn when there’s something I want.”
    Justyn was staring at her. Rebecca was extremely aware of his presence beside her. She could feel the warmth radiating from his skin, and she could smell his earthy cologne. He was so close, but not quite touching her. Yet, even though they weren’t making physical contact, she could still feel an energy seeping from him—that same electric current that shocked her every time he touched her. It was driving her insane. And the most annoying part of it was that he knew he was having this effect on her. She could hear the amusement mingled with the seduction in his voice.
    She swallowed hard. “And what is it, exactly, that you want from me, Justyn?”
    “I want to know who beat me to the punch. Was it Tom?”
    Rebecca wasn’t sure that was a safe topic, so she quickly changed the subject. “Oh, no. I answered your question. It’s my turn again.”
    “You’re right. You’re right.”
    “So.” Rebecca went back to the original line of questioning. “Protection from what?”
    “From evil surfers who’re trying to steal the girl of my dreams.”
    Now Rebecca knew her cheeks were scarlet and again she thanked a higher power for the temporary black out. “Be serious!”
    “Okay, seriously.” He relented. “I’m Wiccan. This pentacle is to me what the cross is to a Christian.”
    Rebecca felt her mouth fall open. “A Wiccan? Isn’t that sort of . . . sort of like a witch?”
    “Not sort of. I am a witch.”
    A very

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