I'm Not in Love (Once Upon a Winter Book 2)

Free I'm Not in Love (Once Upon a Winter Book 2) by Tilly Tennant

Book: I'm Not in Love (Once Upon a Winter Book 2) by Tilly Tennant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tilly Tennant
he looked lost and vulnerable and Hannah regretted her question. She had to keep reminding herself what he must be going through, and what a strange andterrifying experience it must be to lose all sense of oneself. And perhaps Martine only spoke to him that way because she was tired, and it must be very hard for her – his not remembering anything about her… It was hard to imagine what that must be like.
    ‘I think about Christmas day a lot,’ he said.
    Hannah’s head flicked around to see that he had a peculiar look on his face as he gazed at her.
    ‘In what way?’
    ‘I can’t explain it – I wish I could. It makes me feel…well, it gives me a nice feeling to think of it. Your little house… it was such a happy place.’
    ‘That might be down to all the brandy we downed that day,’ Hannah smiled. ‘You’re confusing happiness with drunkenness!’
    ‘Maybe, but I liked it. And you… you were so sweet and kind… like a guardian angel or something.’ He gave an awkward laugh. ‘I sound like a nutter, I know, but I can’t help feeling that some higher power meant me to fall onto your doorstep that day – I mean yours and no one else’s.’
    ‘Perhaps you were there to save my life. You did jump in front of a car for me, after all.’
    ‘Or perhaps you were meant to save mine,’ he said softly.
    ‘Anyone would have done the same.’
    ‘I’m not talking about the injury,’ he said, holding her in a gaze that suddenly made her feel as if she might combust. She tore her eyes away from his. Was this a joke? What was he trying to say?
    ‘I… I don’t know what you mean,’ Hannah said.
    He paused. ‘I’m not sure I do either. Everything is confused and muddy all the time, but then I think of you and it’s all clear. You’re the only part of the last few weeks that makes any sense.’
    ‘I suppose it’s because I’m the first person you met after the accident. I’m like the first new memory that you’ve saved on a blank slate.’
    Mitchell smiled. ‘Like I’ve imprinted on you or something? I sound like a duckling.’
    ‘I suppose you do,’ Hannah smiled.
    ‘But I almost wish I could have that day back,’ Mitchell continued. ‘I mean, I know it was horrible and stressful, but in a weird way it was nice too. Everything was simpler because you were there. I wish you were around now too.’
    Hannah’s glass stopped halfway to her lips. ‘I um… I have to find Gina… excuse me…’ She stumbled as she shot up from her chair. This conversation was getting dangerous and itcouldn’t continue. Frantically she searched the dance-floor for a sign of her sister. There was no Gina, but there was Briony, chatting to the vicar beside a table of nibbles. They both turned at her approach.
    ‘I’m so sorry to interrupt,’ Hannah began, ‘but have you seen my sister anywhere?’
    ‘Not for a little while now,’ Briony replied. She peered more closely at Hannah. ‘Are you alright?’
    ‘Yes… I’m not sure. Probably overdone the gin.’
    ‘Is there anything I can do to help?’
    ‘No… thank you. I just need Gina.’
    ‘Have you checked the ladies’?’ Briony added helpfully.
    ‘Oh, right, good idea… of course.’ Hannah rushed off in the direction of the loos, but a quick inspection revealed an absence of Gina. Hannah dashed back out onto the dance-floor. She glanced across at her table to see that Martine had returned and was now in animated conversation with her husband. They both looked at her, and then continued their discussion in earnest, Mitchell not shifting his gaze. Martine’s hands flapped as she talked and she was obviously agitated about something. Hannah didn’t care; she just needed to get out. As she scanned the crowd on the dance-floor again, Briony tapped her on the arm.
    ‘You’re worrying me, Hannah. Do you need to go home? Ross hasn’t been drinking so he could drive you.’
    ‘I know,’ Hannah replied. ‘He was taking us home anyway but I don’t

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