The Dollhouse Society: Isabelle (New Adult BDSM Erotica)

Free The Dollhouse Society: Isabelle (New Adult BDSM Erotica) by Eden Myles

Book: The Dollhouse Society: Isabelle (New Adult BDSM Erotica) by Eden Myles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eden Myles
position against the wheel well, my vision swimming, the parking lot teetering back and forth dangerously. I gasped and coughed, ripping at the collar of my university pullover so I could breathe better.
    He stepped back but pulled out a box cutter with an orange handle from his suit jacket, the kind you can buy from any home store. The sharp, triangular blade glinted in the sodium lights. “Keep your fucking mouth shut or I’ll mess up your face. Then I’ll mess up your grandma. You get me, bitch?”
    “Y-yeah!” I coughed out.
    He was gone in seconds, like a boogeyman, like he’d never been there at all.
    Oh god , I thought. Oh god. Like a mantra it rolled round and round my brain. I covered my face with my hands and cried myself out before climbing back to my feet and getting into my car.
    “Earth to Belle, earth to Belle, come in, Belle.”
    I stopped vacuuming the same patch of carpet over and over and looked over my shoulder to see Damian standing in the doorway of the living room. He looked stunning in a tight blue T-shirt and snug jeans. There was a lopsided expression on his face and a B.C. Rich Warlock bass guitar around his middle. I’d never heard him stop playing in the other room. “Are you all right?”
    “Y-yes, sir,” I said. I turned off the vacuum and turned dutifully to face him. “Can I help you in some way?” I said. “Service you in some way, sir?”
    He laughed. “No t right now. Dorian’s in a consultation, and I’m writing your song…but I was wondering if you were free tonight for dinner?”
    “Yes, of course.” I beamed a smile. We didn’t go out every night, but when we did, the Michaels brothers always took me to some romantic little bistro or trattoria in an out-of-the-way place in the city that I’d never heard of before, and they’d insist I buy the most expensive thing on the menu. They often bought me ridiculously expensive gifts, completely spoiling me. Tonight would be no different. “What time should I be ready?”
    “We’ ll pick you up in front of your dorm at seven. We have something to ask you tonight, something important.”
    “Yes, sir. I’m looking forward to it.”
    He looked me over with a frown and at the patch of carpeting I was killing with the Dyson. “Are you sure you’re all right?”
    “Yes, of course.”
    “If you’re busy with schoolwork or have some other plans…?”
    It was Friday night. I had no plans, and even though Stefan and I often went to a movie, he’d recently met some h ot football guy on campus. He was on cloud nine—and in the honeymoon phase of his relationship. As a result, we hadn’t had many platonic dates of late. I admit a part of me mourned what I feared might be the passing of our close relationship, but another part of me was really happy for him. He needed to find someone and be happy. He hadn’t had much happiness in his life so far.
    Besides, I needed to stop spilling myself to my best friend all the time and ruining his fun. Admittedly, he’d be pissed with me if he knew I wasn’t telling anyone about Clark’s return, but, I’d reasoned, Clark wasn’t his problem. It wasn’t anyone’s problem. It was mine. Eventually, when I felt a little bit safer, I would go to the police and confess everything.
    I’d get help. Soon.
    Of course, I’d been telling myself that for the past two weeks, and I still hadn’t gone. It was hard to feel safe these days.
    “I have nothing planned,” I told him honestly.
    He raised his roguish eyebrows. “Certain? You’ve been somewhat distracted of late.”
    I smil ed winsomely. Over time, I’d learned to smile in a totally innocent way that made no one question what was going on inside my head. “I’m fine. My grandma isn’t feeling very well, but I know she’ll be all right. Plus, midterms are coming up. You know.” I shrugged.
    “Well, if you need to go visit your grandma, or need time to study, you let us know, all right?”
    “I will.”
    Damian ducked

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