
Free Daggertail by Kaitlin Maitland

Book: Daggertail by Kaitlin Maitland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaitlin Maitland
Tags: Fantasy
over his senses.
    Her hands settled on his shoulders, nails scoring his skin. “I can't stand up when you do that to my pussy.”
    Tugging her closer, he urged her to straddle his lap. The new position spread her open even farther. He delved into her wetness. She was slick and hot and ready to come again for his pleasure. Blood rushed into her pussy. Her clit plumped until it throbbed beneath his fingers.
    “You have the hottest cunt I've ever seen.”
    “So you've seen a lot?”
    “A few.”
    “But you like mine?”
    Was that insecurity in her voice?
    Without knowing why, he wanted her to know that hers wasn't just the best. He wanted her to understand the depth of an infatuation he hadn't come to terms with yet himself.
    Using two long fingers, he brushed her wet slit. She convulsed, her empty pussy clenching. He did it again, this time continuing the sweet torment until she trembled on his lap.
    “Your pussy is incredible. I've never continually wanted something so badly before in my life. Feel your sweet juices? No one could be this wet for me. Your pussy wants to come for me.”
    “I-I can't.”
    He glanced up to see her teeth clenched against the intense waves of pleasure. Slipping one hand around her narrow waist, he delved into the cleft of her ass. She stiffened until he slid one cream-covered finger into her anus and three into her pussy. Pressing his thumb against the engorged hood of her clitoris, he forced her to the edge.
    “Now, Tav. Come for me.”
    Her green eyes glazed over and slid shut as she came on a groan and a sigh. Her entire body clenched in satisfaction. He rode out the undulating waves of her orgasm, content to watch her come until he felt a spurt of hot fluid in his palm.
    He could have never predicted what the sight of her feminine ejaculate would do to him. Xave growled, and the sound echoed around the Daggertail until his ears rang. Ripping open the fly of his pants, he pulled his cock free and wrapped his wet palm around his shaft.
    The heat of her ejaculate drew his testicles hard and tight against his body. Xave groaned in desperation. He'd never been so close to climax before in his life.
    “Yes, Xave,” she whispered into his ear. “Don't let me come alone.”
    Her voice doubled his ecstasy. His hand pistoned up and down his shaft, his speed increasing until he couldn't take any more. Straining forward, he pressed his forehead to hers and shot a stream of hot semen over his hand.
    Still pulsing with his own hot ejaculate, he opened his eyes when she slithered down his body. Her tongue lapped at the creamy white fluid. Eyes locked, he watched her swallow every last drop of his cum.
    I think I love this woman.
    The jarring thought came unbidden as she finished with a beguiling smile and rose to her feet in one fluid motion. Xave froze in place, unable to react, still floored by the possibility of a long-term attachment with a woman like Tavish.
    Face it, Kovuchenko. There is no other woman like Tavish.

Chapter Nine

    Tavish was losing track of how many orgasms she'd had since meeting Xavier Kovuchenko. That it had become possible to lose track of something like that was still a marvel to her. Actually, that she'd even had one orgasm was a marvel.
    “You should dock somewhere near the border of the Bravo sector near the red-light district, Xave.”
    He gave a curt nod, uncanny eyes darting over the readouts on the Daggertail control panel as they sped through Janus 5's atmosphere.
    She studied his rugged profile in the low light. If someone had told her two days ago that she'd be willingly reentering Janus 5 airspace, she'd have laughed outright. Of course, if someone had described Xave and told her he would come and turn her life upside down for good, she wouldn't have believed that either.
    “Where is it we're going, Tav?”
    Tav? When had he started calling her Tav? Why did she feel all mushy inside just because he had shortened her name to Tav?
    “Destination?” he

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