Fallen Desire

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Book: Fallen Desire by N. L. Echeverria Read Free Book Online
Authors: N. L. Echeverria
as I thought she was going to give up she pulls out this short turquoise strapless dress that I’ve had for a couple of years.  I wore it to a wedding for an aunt that I don’t really know.  It reminds me of a dress that a salsa dancer would wear.  It has three different layers of fringe and they shake as you walk. 
    “This is perfect,” she says, “just the dress for you to be dancing in.  Go put it on, and I’ll pick you out some heels.” 
    She throws the dress at me and I jump off bed and go to the bathroom to put it on even though I really don’t want to, but I know it will make her happy.  She’s right though about it being a dress to go dancing in.  It would look absolutely gorgeous on her.  I put it on and throw my other clothes into the hamper in the bathroom.  When I walk out, Kim is holding some silver open toe heels to go with the dress.  These shoes are also the shoes that I wore for the wedding.
    “You look beautiful,” she says. “See all it takes is a little effort and then you’re absolutely stunning.” 
    I put the shoes on and then walk over to stand in front of my full-length mirror.  My hair was still pulled up into a wet pony tail, but it actually looks good pulled back.  Since it is strapless, my hair being up shows off my lean collarbone and neck.  I look more mature all dressed up.  “Thanks Kim.  It really is a nice outfit.  I don’t know what I would do without you.” 
    “Yeah, I know, I’m amazing.  Now let’s get out of here before it gets any later. You’re going to have some fun tonight Lindsay!”
    I can’t bear it anymore.  I’ll go and see her tonight.  I know I’ll be able to sense where she is, and I can’t go on any longer without talking to her.  I have to let her know how I feel, especially after I took off the other night.  I can feel her soul and it’s been disrupted, because of me.  I have to set it right.  I’m not being fair to her by just leaving her hanging like this.  Tonight is the night that I’ll find her and talk to her.  I can’t tell her who I am yet, but I have to let her know I care about her.  I need her to trust me and feel safe with me so that I can tell her the truth and why this is so difficult for me.  I can’t hide out in this empty house any longer.  I need to see her and touch her smooth skin and run my fingers through her long brown hair.  I have to look into those brown oval eyes and tell her I love her.

    We take Kim’s car out since I don’t own a vehicle.  I seem to be the only one my age who doesn’t and not just that but it seems that all of the people that I know that have a car have really nice ones.  Kim has a black two-door Lexus that has cream leather seats with that new car smell and every amenity a vehicle could have.  I don’t ask her, but I would have to assume that her parents bought her the car.  My dad is a big-time lawyer, and he won’t even get me a piece of junk vehicle.  He says I have to earn it myself and that things aren’t just given to you.  My mom always spoils me as far as shopping goes, but for the more expensive things my dad always has to step in and say that I have to find a way to get it myself.  I haven’t been to a club before, even back in my hometown.  Kim, of all people, would know the best clubs to go to.  She isn’t a party girl, but she knows how to have fun.  We pull up to the club, and from outside it isn’t a whole lot to look at.  Groups of people standing around smoking and others are waiting in line to get in along with the packed cars fill the parking lot.  Kim walks us right up to the front door, and the bouncer lets us right in after giving Kim a gentlemen hug.  It’s obvious he knows her.  As we walk into the club people right and left walk up to Kim to greet her either with a hand shake or a hug.  She seems to know just about everyone.  She stands tall and lean in her

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