Fallen Desire

Free Fallen Desire by N. L. Echeverria

Book: Fallen Desire by N. L. Echeverria Read Free Book Online
Authors: N. L. Echeverria
outside next to the creek again but farther inside the woods this time.  A man is in front of me with his back toward me.  All I can see are his strong but lean tall build, and I recognize his full black hair.  He wears dark jeans with a black and grey Columbia jacket.  I know who it is.  Derrick.  I feel like grabbing him and wrapping myself in him.  I feel so alone after Ethan abandoned me with no explanation.
    I just wanted to throw myself at Derrick in hopes that he would comfort me and make me feel whole again.  When he turns to look at me, his beautiful blue eyes are as striking as ever, but something is different about them.  They seem darker.  The expression on his face is dark as well.  He doesn’t look happy and friendly like he always is.  I’ve never seen him like this before.  The one thing I won’t forget is what he said to me before I woke up: “Don’t go near him Lindsay.  He will take a part of you that you will never be able to get back, and even I won’t be able to save you.  I cannot stand in his way.  It is against our laws, but I’m giving you this warning as I don’t want you to be harmed.”  That was all he said before he vanished and I woke up here on my bed.  I just can’t figure out why I would dream about something like that and why I would dream that he said that.  Who is he talking about when he say’s “Don’t go near him,” and what could this person take from me? 
    Maybe I need to stop reading into these dreams so much; it’s probably all my stress causing me to have these crazy dreams, but ever since I started having dreams like this about Ethan; they have felt so real.  I can’t help but feel like they mean something.  I know that I can’t ignore them. 
    “Lindsay!  Kim is at the door for you.” 
    Oh crap, my mom is home.  What time is it?  Seven o’clock.  Oh no, I’ve been asleep for two and a half hours.  “Tell her I’ll be down in a couple of minutes,” I yelled down the stairs.  I don’t want Kim to see that I haven’t even gotten ready yet, and I look like crap since I just woke up.  I have bed head and my mascara is smudged under my eyes.  I have to jump in the shower even if Kim has to wait.  There is no way I’m going out looking like this. 
    I pull my hair up into a wet pony tail and put on some jeans and a T-shirt with my black Converse.  I don’t feel like dressing up.  I would rather just go casual.  I’m really not in the mood to impress anyone.  Walking downstairs, I can see Kim standing in the entry way next to the door tapping her right foot impatiently.  Of course she looks ten times nicer than me.  She’s always stunning, and it doesn’t matter what she wears.  Her beautiful blonde hair was made into a small poof of curls on the top her head with strands of curls framing your face.  It is absolutely flawless.  Her large blue eyes are stunning against her blonde hair and fair skin.  She’s wearing a sleek short red dress that has spaghetti straps and barely covers her body.  Her shoes are matching red heels that are open toe, completing her outfit.  Now I just feel like a frump in what I’m wearing.  At least this way she will be the center of attention and maybe I can just blend in a little. 
    “Oh no, no way!” she says. “I’m not going out with you when you’re wearing that!  Lindsay, you need to head back upstairs and change and I’m coming with you.”  Before I can say anything, she grabs me by my elbow and almost drags me back up the stairs with her petite but strong hands.  “This is a night of fun and dancing, and there’s no way you can have fun or dance in that boring outfit.” 
    As always, she’s very blunt and to the point and doesn’t really give me much of a choice.  She rummages through my closet as I sit on the end of my bed patiently watching her and hoping she will change her mind once she realizes I don’t have anything as nice as her to wear.  Then just

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