Revenge #4

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Book: Revenge #4 by JJ Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: JJ Knight
they wanted to see you.”
    “It was nice to see them,” I say.
    He stops at the foot of the bed. His smile widens to a huge grin. The corners of his beautiful brown eyes crinkle. “It wasn’t that nice to see them. Miss Rivera, you’re a terrible liar. It’s one of the many things I love about you.”
    I open my mouth to argue with him. He tosses me from his arms, onto the bed. I bounce and roll.
    In a heartbeat, he’s on top of me. His body presses down on me as his lips meet mine. His mouth tastes of the strawberries and chocolate. I can’t get enough of him.
    My body responds to his touch, my back arching and my arms clasping him to me. I moan his name against his lips. He grabs me roughly, squeezing me. He rolls and pulls me on top of him.
    Now that I’m on top, I slow the pace of our kissing. I pull away, teasing him with my lips. I kiss him softly.
    He raises his head to get closer, and keeps moving until he’s sitting up and I’m straddling him. My black dress is pushed up, revealing my underwear.
    We keep kissing. He reaches back and slowly unzips me. As my dress slips apart at the back, he runs his hands up and down my bare back. His fingers remind me of someone playing piano, only the keys are my spine.
    He pulls away from the kiss and tugs my dress up, over my head. He gazes up into my eyes for a moment, then bows his head toward the center of my breasts. In a flash, he has my black lace bra off.
    With his hands on my hips, he guides me up so I’m kneeling, straddling his lap. Now he can mouth my nipples easily.
    He swirls the tip of his tongue around my hardening nipple. Sensation and desire shock through my body. I gasp and try to pull away, but he holds me tight, both hands on my hips.
    It’s almost too much, this divine pleasure of him mouthing my breast and tasting my skin. His expression is soft and gentle, rapturous.
    I give in to my desire and push my fingers into his hair, cradling the back of his head. He sucks on my nipple, the pressure sending fire between my legs. My hips rock rhythmically.
    He grabs me under the armpits and tosses me onto my back. My legs clamp together. His eyes go to my black lace panties. He quickly pulls off his shirt. His tanned skin is flushed pink near his neck.
    I’m as struck by his majestic body tonight as I was the first time. I can’t believe this perfection is mine for touching.
    He catches me looking as he pulls down his jeans. “Hey.” He tosses his chin upward playfully. “What are you looking at?”
    “A sexy rock star.”
    He stretches and flexes, flirting with his eyes. “Am I your million dollar man?”
    “I’d like you just as much if you were flat broke.”
    His dark eyebrows twitch up, and he keeps posing.
    “How’s this pose? Good for a promo photo?”
    I hold my hands up to my face. I make a click sound, pretending to snap his picture.
    He’s down to nothing but his boxers now, which are riding low on his hips. When he turns his back to me, there are two adorable dimples above his butt.
    He breaks his pose and leaps onto the bed again. His shoulders are hunched up. He crawls on top of me, his head slung low like a wolf.
    He kisses me on the lips, then pulls away. Now I’m the one who’s gasping and sitting up to catch him. He pushes me back with one hand, and lowers his mouth to my breast.
    His lips and tongue are hot. He teases me, making me writhe on the bed as he touches me slowly. He pulls down my underwear and kisses every inch of skin on my body. Thanks to the spa, I’m bare and smooth.
    “You’re on fire for me,” he whispers. His finger slips inside me, and I pant for more. With his fingers, he strokes me and brings me to the edge.
    Then he gets up and walks away. I make agitated noises, which makes him glance back and smile.
    He reaches for the light switch. All the lights go off.
    I can hear him doing something, but I can’t see anything now. I hear crinkling, like a plastic bag. He mutters under his breath about

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