Revenge #4

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Book: Revenge #4 by JJ Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: JJ Knight
locating the condoms before turning out the lights.
    I fumble around in the dark and pull down the bed covers. I slip under, and over to the opposite side of the bed. Holding very still, I wait to surprise him by hiding. The dark is heightening my excitement.
    Dylan must have better night vision than me, because he jumps right on me, yelling, “Gotcha!”
    Fear shoots through me, and my instincts kick in.
    The recent memory is fresh and real. Time collapses. I’m back in the boarded-up house again, in the dark. I’m being held down.
    I don’t even realize I’m hitting Dylan. I’m just fighting.
    He rolls away and flicks on a bedside lamp.
    The light doesn’t bring me back to reality. My mind plays tricks on me. I see the gaunt man from the house, and his crazy eyes.
    “Leave me alone,” I whimper.
    Dylan wraps his arm over me and clutches me to his chest. “Shh. It’s okay, Jess. Did I hurt you? What’s wrong? Shh. You’re safe.”
    My tears explode out of me. Pressing my face into his chest, garbled words come out of me.
    I’m upset about everything that’s been happening. My words make no sense, but I mention the abandoned house.
    “I understand,” he says. “You were in the dark. I should have known.” He rocks me in his arms until I go limp. He kisses the top of my head. “I’m so sorry I scared you. I hate myself for making you cry. Do you hear me?”
    I murmur that it’s okay, not his fault.
    “You’re so innocent,” he says, still rocking me. “And you met me during this incredible time in my life. I think even good change is hard. I’ve been working too much. I’ll call Morris and tell them I need time. They wanted me to do some appearances, but I’m taking the weekend to spend with you. You’re more important than this deal.”
    I pull away to look into his eyes. His face is in shadow, with the lamp behind him. Rather than reach back for the light on my side, I kiss him. I roll on top of him, and then back down on the other side.
    He gives me a quizzical look.
    “Now I can see your beautiful eyes,” I say, stroking the side of his face.
    He looks down the line of my naked body. I’m on my side, my hips rising in a curve.
    “I’m okay now,” I say.
    He brings his beautiful brown eyes back up to meet mine.
    “Am I dreaming?” he asks. “If I am, I hope I never wake up.”
    “Congratulations on your big contract.”
    His eyebrows knit together. “Who cares about that? Not me. The best thing that happened to me today was when the most beautiful girl in the world said she liked my eyes.”
    Giggling, I cuddle closer, nestling the front of my body against his. His neck is near my mouth. I kiss the bump of his Adam’s Apple. His skin is faintly salty. Once I start licking his skin and sucking with gentle kisses, I can’t stop.
    He groans and rocks his body against me. I keep kissing his neck, my hunger rising. I tilt my hips, pressing against his hardening length.
    “We’ll keep the light on,” he says.
    I pull away, lean back, and flick the light off. We’re in the dark now, but I’m not scared.
    “Are you sure?” he asks, his tone low and rough.
    “Just keep talking to me.”
    His hands run up and down my body. “Your voice is turning me on. You’ve got a sexy little voice, Jessica Rivera.”
    He rolls me onto my back and moves my thighs apart with his leg. He kisses my neck, humming part of a song. I roll my head back, bathed in the vibration of his voice. He keeps humming and kissing me until I’m panting for him to take me.
    He finds the condom packet in the dark and gets ready. When he slides into me, I’m so turned on, I start to come within three strokes. The fireworks start low and rattle my whole body. He pounds into me steadily, kissing me as I moan against his lips.
    I come back down to earth, eager for more. I dig my fingertips into the muscles of his back and hang on.
    After a bit, he holds me tight and rolls over so I’m on top. With some coaxing, I sit

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