The Pirates of Sufiro (Book 1) (Old Star New Earth)

Free The Pirates of Sufiro (Book 1) (Old Star New Earth) by David Lee Summers

Book: The Pirates of Sufiro (Book 1) (Old Star New Earth) by David Lee Summers Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Lee Summers
the book down to look in his eyes.
A tear escaped Roberts' eye. "Please, don't tease. Not tonight. I'm confused."
"I'm not," she said, tenderly. She unbuttoned Roberts' work shirt and let her hands explore his chest. That night, Roberts was only briefly haunted by visions of his mother. The horror was eased aside by visions of Suki's lovely fullness of body and tenderness of face.
"I hope Ellison's enjoying himself," said Roberts, gently stroking Suki's silky black hair.
"He's where he belongs. We are where we belong. The little lady inside of me is going to be very lucky," said Suki with a joyous smile. "She will have two fathers who will love her and teach her how to survive on this world."
"That was always true," he said.
"But I was afraid that you were so caught by revenge and hate and fear that you had forgotten how to love and how to be tender," she said. "Now I know differently." Roberts kissed Suki tenderly and drifted off to a night of pleasant dreams. * * * *
    During his trek, Firebrandt saw many things. There was an immense coastal mountain range in the northwest. There were blinding white cliffs along part of the east coast. Somewhat inland from the coast of the southwest was a desert of black sand. When he tested it, it turned out to be basalt. He charted four mountain ranges besides the one on the coast. All were spectacular, but none compared in sheer height and spectacle to the ones he had first encountered. The Nuevo Rio Grande proved to be the largest river on the continent, although there were many others. There was much fertile farmland.
    As he explored, Firebrandt saw the first truly large animals he had encountered on the planet. In the rain forest in southeastern Nova Granada was a variety of creature as long as a python, but with legs and the jaws of a crocodile. In the mountains just east of the Nuevo Rio Grande he ran across his first feathered creature. It was as large as he was with an immense head and beak. It had a long tail with downy feathers that resembled fur. Its legs were long and strong with pads for running. At first glance it reminded him of a griffin, and that's what he called it. He thought it might be intelligent when he considered the size of its head. It chased after him when he tried to talk to it. The captain just made it to the launch in time to escape its powerful beak.
    As Firebrandt came out of the mountains, into the foothills, he landed the launch. He stepped out to stretch stiff muscles. The sun was setting on the western horizon. Long shadows accented hills and valleys for some distance. Orange light danced lazily on the surface of the river. He sighed and sat on the soft grass. He hugged his knees with strong arms, and rested his chin.
    During his trek, he had seen many lovely sights such as this. A year ago, the captain might have been happy at the prospect of a rescue; the chance for new glory and adventure. He would have gladly gone back to die for Gaea. Firebrandt looked to the sky and saw the first star appear, and realized he was happy with it just where it was.
    Firebrandt smiled to himself and shook his head as he realized that the last thing he wanted to do was leave. He was safe; he had his freedom. He thought of Captain Avery, an ancient seafarer from Earth known as a successful pirate.
    "So, friend Avery," said Firebrandt to the star above. "Which of us was truly successful? You who had your riches and were never caught but always lived in fear of others? Or me, who has a family and love?" He laughed and hugged his legs close. He shuddered suddenly as a chill wind caught him. Firebrandt decided it was time to go home.
* * * *
    Once home, Firebrandt discovered a new chemistry between Roberts and Suki. The atmosphere was more relaxed. He hugged them both. "We are a family," he said. "Let no one divide us." The three smiled and hugged again.
    Suki had her baby during the second winter. Firebrandt held Suki's hand and read poetry from the ship's library during the

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