Fool for Love (Believe #2)

Free Fool for Love (Believe #2) by Karen Ferry

Book: Fool for Love (Believe #2) by Karen Ferry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Ferry
but moves her right leg to press her thigh into my crotch instead, and I bite my lip as she applies more pressure. I’m only wearing a pair of loose khakis today, and the more her thigh rubs against my pussy, the more turned on I get.
    I moan and bring her face closer to mine. Our breaths mingle, her pupils are dilated, and I look down when she licks her lips.
    “Make me forget,” I urge her, almost desperate before I lean up to kiss her. My kisses are soft at first, my hands gentle on her cheeks; but when she wraps her arms around my neck and leans into me, torso to torso, I pick up the pace. I trace the seam of her lips with my tongue, asking her to open and let me in, and she complies on a low moan.
    She tastes of apple, and sugar…and cream.
    My feelings for Morgan haven’t changed, but as I taste the roof of her mouth, the softness of her tongue against mine, I pray that she hasn’t forgotten. My conscience is screaming at me to pause, to remind her before taking this any further, so I gently end the kiss.
    “Morgan, I –” I don’t have the right words, and I inhale deeply while trying to come up with what to say.
    “I know what you’re going to say, Suzy. I understand,” she tells me firmly. Before I can utter another word, her mouth slams down on mine again, and her body presses mine deeply into the couch. Her legs are astride me again, rubbing her pussy against mine, and my reservations vaporise into thin air.
    I become lost in her kiss, her scent, her tongue and give in to her desire that matches my own. Reaching behind her, I unclasp her bra, and she takes it off before she unbuttons my pants. Smiling mischievously at me, she reaches down between us. Her index finger traces my folds over the fabric of my thong, and I bite my lip when warmth spreads throughout my body.
    “Take off your shirt and bra,” she commands, eyebrow raised with expectation. I do as she says. When she smirks at me, I feel elated – happy that I’m able to please her. I always love it when she takes control over me; it feels exhilarating to follow her instead of taking the lead.
    She pulls at my waistband and I push my hips up, allowing her room to remove my pants entirely, before I sit up and take her gorgeous tits in my hands, kneading them.
    Her head falls back and she moans when I blow softly on her right nipple. I lick my lips when I see the rosy globe pucker from my ministrations. I close my mouth over her breast, licking and sucking eagerly, and sigh when Morgan’s hands close over my own small breasts.
    “Mmmm,” she sighs as I move my mouth to give her other nipple equal attention. When she reaches down to my crotch once more, applying pressure against my clit, my breath picks up speed, and I have to come up for air.
    “It feels so good,” I moan. My eyes flutter closed when her mouth closes over my earlobe, teeth biting gently. She pulls down my thong, and anticipation causes delicious shivers to run down my spine.
    “I’ll take care of you, baby,” she whispers as her mouth descends on my breast. The sensations coursing through my body are overwhelming. I love being with a woman like this – someone who knows how to fulfil this special need I have inside me. Someone who understands my body like only another woman does.
    I love the feel of her soft hands on my soft skin – of her gentle tongue and mouth meeting mine. I love to hear her voice when I make her come when I lick out her pussy.
    Everything is just so different than when I’m with a man.
    Morgan’s mouth trails kiss after kiss down my torso; her tongue laves my navel, and I force my eyes open to watch her. I try to remove the long coppery strands of hair from her face, and she pauses to gaze lovingly into my eyes before straightening up, sitting back on her knees. She licks her fingers and I watch in earnest as her hand moves down her tummy before disappearing inside her panties. I watch her pleasure herself as I tweak and rub my nipples roughly.

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