Torn Apart (African American Romance)

Free Torn Apart (African American Romance) by Cristina Grenier

Book: Torn Apart (African American Romance) by Cristina Grenier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cristina Grenier
she sort of experienced those emotions and hurt from the past all over again. Rhonda realized that she now had gotten closure and maybe it was best not to go backwards wondering if David and she still had something worth exploring. This moment with Ken was showing her that it was time to let go of the past and see what was in store for her future, and she saw Ken being a big part of that.

    New Beginnings
    “Congratulations on the engagement, Rhonda!”
    The emails and calls had been coming in all week and now that today was her last official day as part of the full-time staff, people were passing by every few minutes with sentiments and well wishes. She looked down at the engagement ring she had been wearing on her finger for the past three weeks and could not believe how her life had changed in a matter of months. In addition to marrying the love of her life, Rhonda was also about to pursue going back to school. She was able to work things out with the agency where she could contract for them working from home and only coming into the office occasionally for meetings. Things were going well, Rhonda thought to herself as she smiled and tried to concentrate on packing up the last few things she had in the office space.
    She was interrupte d again by a knock on the door and turned around to see Ken standing there staring at her with a forced smile on his face.
    Rhonda just stared back wondering who would be the first to break the silence.
    “Hey Rhonda, I just wanted to stop by before you left and tell you that I wish nothing but the best for you, just in case you thought I felt otherwise. David is a lucky man—I just hope he realizes what he has.”
    Things had been so awkward the past couple of months as Rhonda had gotten back with David and accepted David’s proposal to get married. Ken had been heartbroken by the turn of events, and was forced to have to face her on occasion when coming to the office to do business. It was a relief for both of them when it was confirmed that Rhonda would begin working on a part-time status for the company working from home. This was the first time they had a civil conversation or exchange since she had reunited with David. She knew this had to be hard for Ken to come and do this.
    Rhonda walked up to Ken with the urge to hug him; she just w anted to touch him. Her deciding to marry David had not instantly banished her feelings for Ken, and looking at him standing here trying to be adult about all of this made her heart beat harder and faster for him even more. Rhonda stopped herself from reaching out to him like she wanted though.
    “Ken, I really appreciate you stopping by and saying that. I know it can’t be easy, considering you did not do anything wrong to deserve this thing that happened.”
    “Well Rhonda,” Ken stepped in enough to close the office door. “Why did this happen? Because you can deny it all you want, but I feel it and I see it; it isn’t over between us. You still want me as much as I want you right now. What is old dude holding over you that you can’t let go?”
    So much time had passed and this talk had never taken place and Rhonda never thought that it would. The fact of the matter is that she did have feelings for Ken, even when she decided to choose David—it was just a matter of a turn of events that occurred over the course of a week or two that made her turn to him.
    “Ken, this isn’t the time or place for us to discuss this but I can say that there’s no need to go over this. I’m with David now and getting another chance with him. You should just move on; you don’t want someone who is still hung up on another man, do you?”
    “No I don’t but I know that your feelings are even stronger for me. I know this baby. I feel it,” Ken said as caressed her cheek not caring who might see them. “You are too afraid to let go and see what could happen between us. Baby, I would make you so happy.”
    Rhonda wanted to kiss him but she

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