Jax (A Neveah Short Story)

Free Jax (A Neveah Short Story) by Angie Merriam

Book: Jax (A Neveah Short Story) by Angie Merriam Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angie Merriam
Tags: shapeshifter, jax, villian, neveah
    A Neveah Short
    © Angie Merriam 2013
    Edited by Kathy Krick
    Smashwords Edition
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Jax’s Story
    before the Bane
    Jax Androni was a
precocious little boy. His dark hair always hung in his eyes and if
there was trouble to be found, one could be sure, Jax would find
it. His parents loved and doted on him, always so proud of their
son despite his hunger for danger. After all, he was a very
intelligent and handsome little boy. Both traits that could, and
would, get him into trouble. Rarely did a day pass that Jax's
mother, the sweet and somewhat docile Selene Androni, didn't swear
her son would be the death of her, but she loved him just the
    His parent's saving grace was the little
Annika Levannah. Where Jax was reckless, Annika was careful. She
was the exact opposite of Jax. His dark skin and messy dark hair
appeared a few shades darker when he stood beside Annika, her pale
skin and white hair making her look angelic. He loved her before he
knew what it meant to love someone. She balanced him. His light in
the dark. His saving angel when the devil tugged a little too
    They spent nearly every day of their lives
together since the moment they entered the world. Destined to be
the best of friends, and if their parents had anything to say about
it, Jax and Annika would make them all a family. Neither Jax nor
Annika thought too much about the future as children. Their days
were spent exploring Neveah and learning to hone their
    Jax was a shape-shifter and he loved it. His
father told him of his power when he was a very young boy and
promised the eager child that one day he would learn to use it.
    “You mean I can turn into anything papa?” The
young Jax asked eagerly. His father laughed and rubbed the boys
    “Yes, eventually you will be able to shift
into anything. It's a very powerful gift son. You must treat it as
such. You must not abuse the gift that has been given to you.
Always respect it. But you will learn of this as you grow.”
    Jax did learn. For years, he practiced
whenever he wasn't with Annika. He hadn't allowed her to see him
shift yet. He wanted to share his gift with her as she had always
done with him, but he wanted to become something really special for
her. Something that she would remember and would make her smile. He
loved her smile.
    When he was young, he started small. He would
blend into the furniture, walls, trees, shrubbery. The older he got
the more he felt the need to shift into something living. When he
was sixteen, his father was helping him with animal shifting.
“Becoming an animal is much easier than becoming a human. Every
shifter has their internal animal that they connect with. This is
what they will become most often and sometimes without warning. You
have to be aware of your emotion’s son. Once you find your inner
animal it can appear at any time and will do so most often if
you’re upset or angry. It's a defense for you,” his father warned
and Jax nodded in understanding.
    “I understand Papa. What do you think I have
inside of me?” He asked, excited to know. He hoped it was something
fierce and strong. Though he'd been practicing and trying to shift
into an animal, it hadn't happened yet and Jax was antsy.
    “I don't know son, but I'm betting it's
spectacular and brave and strong, like you.” His father was proud
of him, and it showed. Jax had great respect for his father and
looked forward to the times that they worked together.
    “Looks like our lesson is over

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