Midnight Angel

Free Midnight Angel by Carly Phillips

Book: Midnight Angel by Carly Phillips Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carly Phillips
was a wonderful
man. But there would be time to deal with her feelings for John
soon enough. Right now, she had a rare morning off and she intended
to enjoy it by lounging in bed and not thinking of problems or
possible solutions.
    She reached for the television remote and
turned on one of the morning shows, caught one segment, then dozed
through the weather. She woke up again just as an entertainment
reporter was dishing on the latest buzz from Hollywood.
    She watched the list of stars who celebrated
birthdays and heard the latest scandals before a picture on the
screen caught Holly’s attention. Actress Melanie Masterson’s
beautiful face flashed before Holly’s eyes.
    Curious despite herself, and compelled to
watch, she sat up straighter in bed and raised the volume.
    “Ms. Masterson issued a statement through
her publicist announcing a New Year’s Day wedding to her on-again,
off-again boyfriend, Dylan North,” the reporter said.
    Holly pulled her knees up and wrapped her
arms around her legs.
    “Neither Dylan North nor his representative
was available for comment, but this reporter happened to see them
at a party earlier this year and they were glued together. Whatever
caused their breakup obviously wasn’t serious enough to keep them
apart in the coming year. Diane, back to you.”
    Holly shook her head. “No way,” she said to
the television screen.
    Melanie might be beautiful, but she didn’t
understand Dylan, not the way Holly did. And though Dylan loved his
career, he wouldn’t settle for a shadow of the type of woman he
wanted. Then there was the fact that he’d been in Holly’s bed last
night. Not Melanie’s. The other woman obviously had an agenda.
Still, Dylan wasn’t here with Holly now, and this unsettling news
did nothing to relax her.
    She’d lost her luxurious morning in bed, and
she yanked the comforter down, rose from bed and headed for the
kitchen. If nothing else, coffee would get her day back on
    No sooner had she reached the kitchen than
her telephone rang, and she snatched up the receiver. “Hello?”
    “Hi, babe.”
    On hearing Dylan’s voice, her spirits
soared. “Dylan!”
    “Good morning,” he said gruffly.
    She felt herself smile. “Good morning to you
    “Do you have any idea how much I wanted to
be there when you woke up?”
    His deep voice caused a distinct warmth to
settle low in her stomach. “I think I can imagine. Why’d you leave
so early?”
    “I went to see my mother. We have so little
time, and I knew she’d appreciate a quick Christmas visit. I
planned on being back before you even woke up. But—”
    She gripped the receiver tight in her hand.
“But what?”
    “I got a call and I have to catch a flight
to L.A. I’m at the airport now.”
    Her stomach, which had just fluttered with
warmth and desire, now plummeted in disappointment. “Does it have
to do with Melanie?” she asked coolly, deliberately keeping any
emotion out of her voice.
    “Not in the way you think. It has more to do
with the movie role.”
    Holly drew a deep breath and tried to
understand. “The role you decided not to take? Or did you change
your mind?”
    “No, I didn’t change my mind, but the
director isn’t someone I want to alienate, and my agent suggested
we meet with him right away and discuss it fare-to-face. When I
factor in travel time, I needed to leave today to make the meeting
    She nodded. “And Melanie?”
    “Wants me to take the role, and she’ll do
anything to get me back to L.A. to convince me,” he said
    “Including announcing a New Year’s wedding?”
Holly asked.
    He muttered a succinct curse. “You know
about that?”
    “It was on the morning news.”
    His voice was cut off by an airport
announcement. “What did you say?” she asked.
    “My plane’s boarding. I said to remember
what I told you about believing newspaper articles.” She heard the
pleading tone in his voice.
    “I remembered.” She let out a

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