Mystic Flame (Beyond Ontariese 4)
faceless Mystic had to lose his life to
ensure Gine’s safety, so be it. He’d disable the Mystic, retrieve
the journal and return to Ontariese with Dro Tar.
    Then Malos would pay for making him break
his vow!
    Malos insisted the only way to avoid
detection was to make sure the transport conduit never touched the
ground. So he’d dropped Grat into a field adjacent to the airport
with all the care of a garbage scow. Stunned and aching from the
impact, Grat had walked to the terminal and located one of the
yellow vehicles Malos had described. The vehicle then delivered him
to the hotel and Grat secured a room.
    First and foremost, Grat had to locate the
Mystic. According to Malos, the scanner was accurate but its range
was limited. The city’s attractions were congregated in two primary
locations, downtown and the Strip. He would organize each into a
manageable grid then begin his search.
    If only he had some form of transportation,
the search would take a fraction of the time than if he attempted
it on foot. A brochure for helicopter tours lay on the nightstand.
He shook his head. An aerial search might take him out of scanner
range. He needed an automobile and someone capable of operating it
while he scanned each building within the grid.
    He picked up the primitive audiocom and
punched the button connecting him with the front desk.
    “May I help you?”
    “Yes, I need to arrange transportation to
take me about the city.”
    “Tourist information is on the table, sir,
and there should be a directory in the nightstand. Dial nine for an
outside line.”
    “Though I speak your language, I am unable
to comprehend your writing.”
    After an audible sigh the clerk muttered,
“The concierge left for the day. I’ll have to roundup someone who
can help you.”
    “My time is valuable. Please conclude your
rounding up quickly.”
    “I’ll do my best.”
    “This person will come to my room?”
    “Yes, just give me a few minutes.” Without
further interaction, the agitated person ended the call.
    Annoyed by the complication, Grat paced the
room. He hated being dependent on others even to this small degree.
Unfortunately, the urgency of this mission hadn’t allowed for
detailed planning.
    It took longer than a few minutes, but
someone finally knocked on his door. He looked through the tiny
magnifying lens to make sure his visitor was an employee then
opened the door.
    “The front desk said you needed help calling
a cab.” The young man wore black pants and a short sleeved shirt
with a graphic Grat had seen displayed in various places throughout
the hotel.
    “Is a cab the yellow vehicle that
transported me here from the airport?”
    “Then that is not what I require. That
driver expected compensation for the duration of the ride as well
as the distance travels. I need an escort for several hours,
perhaps longer.”
    “You want an escort? ”
    Grat wasn’t sure why the young man
emphasized the word, so he attempted to clarify. “I know no one in
this city. I need—”
    “I’ve got you covered.” He walked over to
the desk on which one of the audiocoms was located and punched
numerous keys with his middle finger. “These guys will take good
care of you.” Smiling broadly, he handed the awkward device to
    “Racing Hearts Escort Service,” a pleasant
female voice came across the line. “Your satisfaction is
    He returned the young man’s smile as he
said, “I’d like to arrange for an escort.”

Chapter Four
    “Any luck?”
    Evan looked up from the journal and folded
his hands on the tabletop. Dro Tar reclined in the contoured spa,
the bubbling water more or less hiding her nudity from view. An
intriguing combination of brown, green and gold, her gently
swirling eyes never failed to captivate. She wasn’t trying to
distract him. She didn’t have to try. Ever since she’d emerged from
the bathroom wearing nothing but a fluffy white towel he’d been
unable to

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