Mystic Flame (Beyond Ontariese 4)
    “I’ve tried all the obvious searches. There
are only a handful of entries that mention Malos and the
information is nothing out of the ordinary.”
    “Read me some of the entries. Maybe you’re
missing the forest for the trees.”
    “The first entry records his acceptance into
the Conservatory, the second states the name of his mentor.” He
motioned toward the display. “There is no way any of this can be
construed as incriminating.”
    “Who was his mentor?” She tilted her head at
that inquisitive angle that always made him smile. How could he be
so comfortable with her nearness after all the cycles they had been
apart? “Is there anything incriminating about him?”
    “Not at all. Malos was mentored by one of
the most respected…” His words trailed away as he reread the entry.
“His mentor died shortly after Malos completed his training, but
there was nothing suspicious about his death.”
    “All right, let’s look at this from an
entirely different angle. Are there any of the entries you haven’t
transmitted to Lord Drakkin yet? Once the information is entered
into the Wisdom of the Ages, Malos is shit out of luck.”
    His gaze darted to her. “You have
incorporated some delightful new phrases into your vocabulary.”
    “Thank you.” She laughed and arched her
back, dipping her hair in the water. The motion thrust her breasts
into the air. Water ran in rivulets across her smooth ivory skin
and her dusky nipples gathered into tight points.
    Desire spiraled down from Evan’s chest and
lodged between his legs. “You’re not helping.”
    “Sorry.” With a siren’s smile, she settled
back beneath the water.
    “The last four entries have yet to be
    “Is there anything odd in any of them?”
    “Define odd.” He scrolled to the first of
the four entries. “Vee could be quite cryptic at times. He often
addressed Lord Drakkin directly. Did you know Lord Drakkin was
Vee’s mentor?”
    “I met Lord Drakkin during one of my
missions to Earth. He helped us destroy Operation Hydra. I didn’t
know either of them well, but I’m acquainted with their
reputations. Read the four entries.”
    “‘The shadow looms ever nearer. I know you
warned me, Chae Tra . But I was often slow to learn.’”
    “Vee was slow to learn? What does that make
the rest of us?” She fidgeted, one silky knee poking out of the
water as she raised her foot to a ledge beneath the surface. “What
does Chae Tra mean? I’ve never heard that word before.”
    “It’s the Bilarrian word for master. This is
one of those entries that seems more like personal correspondence
than official record. I doubt it was meant for the Symposium’s
    “What do you think he meant by the shadow
    “Vee spent the last few days of his life
making sure everything was in order. I believe he knew he was going
to die.”
    “You don’t have to be a Mystic to feel death
breathing down your neck. It’s a common phenomenon. What does the
next entry say?”
    “It’s the Mystic Charter word for word.
Again he had no reason to do this unless he sensed death
    “What’s in the Mystic Charter?”
    “It consists of the three fundamental
statements governing a Mystic’s life. The oath each novice recites
upon acceptance for training, the vows of a Master-level Mage and
the pledge of political neutrality.”
    “Isn’t this already recorded in the Wisdom
of the Ages?”
    “Of course. It’s also on file with the
Ontarian hall of records, as well as framed in the vestibule of the
training center.”
    “Okay, so chalk that up to the department of
redundancy department. Vee was just covering all the bases. Read
the next one.”
    “Let’s see.” He found the third entry and
read it out loud. “After tomorrow I will be able to erase ‘sat’
from my vocabulary. Such a simple change, yet the ramifications
will be staggering. I’ve sent you one last message, my friend. I
trust you to

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