Wake (Watersong Novels)

Free Wake (Watersong Novels) by Amanda Hocking

Book: Wake (Watersong Novels) by Amanda Hocking Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Hocking
“Does your father know you’re out with a boy?”
    “Yeah, he knows,” Gemma assured him and squeezed Alex’s hand.
    “He better.” Bernie gave them a stern look until Alex lowered his eyes. “I still remember when you were this big”—he held his hand up to his knee—“and you thought boys were gross.” He paused to appraise her and smile. “You kids grow up so fast.”
    “Sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
    “It’s how it goes.” He waved his hand, brushing off her apology. “How is your father? Is he here?”
    “No, he’s at home today.” Gemma’s smile faltered. Her father rarely came out to stuff like this anymore, not since her mom’s car accident. “He’s doing good, though.”
    “Good. Your father’s a fine man, a real hard worker.” Bernie nodded. “It’s been too long since I’ve seen him.”
    “I’ll tell him you said that,” Gemma said. “Maybe he’ll head out to the island and visit you.”
    “I would like that.” Bernie held her eyes when he smiled, his own eyes filmy with cataracts and a little sad. Then he shook his head and turned back to the game. “Anyway, I should let you kids get back to your fun.”
    “All right, good luck at your game,” Gemma said as she and Alex started walking away. “It was nice seeing you.”
    When they’d gotten far enough away from him, Alex asked her, “That was Bernie from Bernie’s Island, right?”
    “Sure was.”
    Bernie lived on a small island a few miles off Anthemusa Bay. The only thing on it was the log cabin and boathouse that Bernie had built fifty-some years ago for himself and his wife. His wife had died shortly after that, but Bernie stayed there just the same.
    Since the only person who lived on the island was Bernie, the people of Capri had taken to referring to it as Bernie’s Island. That wasn’t the official name, but that was how everyone knew of it.
    After Gemma’s mother’s car accident, her dad had a tough time. He used to take Gemma and Harper out to Bernie’s Island, and Bernie would watch them while her dad went off to deal with things on his own.
    Bernie was always kind to them, and not in a creepy-old-man way. He was funny, and he let the girls have free run of the island. That was when Gemma had really developed her love of the water. She spent long summer afternoons out at the bay, swimming around the island.
    In fact, if it wasn’t for Bernie and his island, she might not have become the swimmer she was today.
    *   *   *
    “What’s going on with Alex and your sister?” Marcy asked, and Harper lifted her head to see Gemma and Alex holding hands as they walked down the midway.
    “I don’t know.” Harper shrugged.
    She and Marcy were playing beanbag toss next to a picnic table, until Marcy had gotten distracted.
    “You don’t know?” Marcy turned back to Harper.
    “No, Gemma’s being really vague on details.” Harper threw her beanbag at the goal, intent on continuing the game even if Marcy was hung up on something else. “I know they kissed the other day because Dad saw them, but when I asked Gemma about it, she wouldn’t tell me anything. I think they might be dating.”
    “Your sister is dating your best friend, and you don’t know what’s going on?” Marcy asked.
    “Gemma never wants to tell me about her boyfriends.” Harper sighed. Gemma had had all of two of them before, but she was always secretive about her crushes. “And I haven’t really asked Alex about it. I feel a little weird bringing it up.”
    “Because you have a thing for him,” Marcy said.
    “For the millionth time, I don’t like Alex that way.” Harper rolled her eyes. “It’s your turn, by the way.”
    “Don’t change the subject.”
    “I’m not.” Harper sat back on the picnic table behind them, since Marcy clearly didn’t plan on playing until they discussed things. “I’ve never had anything other than platonic feelings for Alex. He’s geeky and awkward and just a friend.”
    “Guys and

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