Seized by the Star Wolf

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Book: Seized by the Star Wolf by Jennie Primrose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennie Primrose
room, a round furnishing with seats set all around it, and a flat top wide enough to serve as a king-sized bed.
    The door hissed shut behind us. Sawagga raised his palm and said, “Run Woodley 241.”
    It sounded like the way one would talk to a machine…
    And, sure enough, there was a low buzzing sound and the walls, floors and ceiling all around us shimmered and sparkled with colors.
    The colors resolved from blurs of greens and browns into the trunks and leaves of straight, tall trees set close together. It was as if we were suddenly in a thick forest, surrounded by trees and an undergrowth of ferns and bushes. A clear stream gurgled through a small gully nearby, the sky above was a deep blue¸ speckled with clouds which were orange-tinged, reflecting a brilliant sunset.
    I looked down and there were dirt and grass and rocks under my feet… Though, when I kicked out at a nearby fallen log, my foot passed right through it.
    “It’s all holograms.” I said. “But… it looks so real. So beautiful.”
    “The planet IS real,” Sawagga said. “Woodley 241.”
    “This is your forest planet?”
    He nodded, then pointed to something in the distance. “Look there.”
    I thought that I could see a low structure built from yellow permacrete blocks not too far in the distance behind the trees.
    “There was a research station,” he said. “Long abandoned by now. We raided a science vessel that had copies of the old logs. That’s where this holo-image comes from.”
    “So you want to live in the old research station?” I asked.
    “This planet has a forest for running and hunting and satisfying the beast inside us,” he explained. “But also buildings in which we can live as humans. The planet is located on the other side of the dark matter rifts of Axarte, in a region of space filled with dead brown dwarf stars and black holes. But there is one living sun and this one beautiful, fertile planet. It’s the most dangerous part of space and it’ll take an expert pilot to get us in there. Rakh could have done it but…” he sighed. “I hope Tinnee is up to the challenge, when he recovers.”
    A giant purple butterfly fluttered up to my face, and I laughed and jumped back, forgetting for a moment that it was just a projection.
    “This planet is what I need, what the pack needs,” Sawagga continued. “A true shifter home, for the wolf and the man in all of us.”
    “But you also need mates,” I pointed out.
    He nodded. “I do have plans to find more females. I know that human females are often drawn to Star Wolves once they meet them, and I have an idea of a place we could raid to find more mates. I hope that the young females there appreciate the power and strength of the Star Wolves, and allow themselves to be claimed.”
    “I want to be claimed by you, my Alpha,” I told him. “I’ll go wherever you lead me.”
    He looked down at me, leaning close over me.
    I nodded. “It looks like a beautiful place to settle… And raise a family.”
    What I’d said about raising a family was not lost to him. “Ohhhh,” he purred in surprise. “But it’s not going to be very civilized there.”
    “I don’t want civilized,” I told him. “I want YOU. I hope you bond me soon so t hat we can get that established!”
    “The bonding is rough, my Sarah,” he whispered. “After a point I will not be able to hold back.”
    I shrugged and sighed.
    “So… don’t hold back.”

Chapter 11
    He drew in a sharp breath… And growled.
    He was behind me now, but I swore I could smell his lust, feel it flowing off of him in a wave of male heat.
    My heart was pounding and my cunnie tingled with anticipation.
    Suddenly, m y arm was forcefully grabbed, and I found herself spinning around, nearly falling over.
    When I regained my balance, I found myself trapped helpless in the grip of my towering Star Wolf.
    He was in control now.
    His hair was a glorious mane around his starkly handsome face, his cool blue

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