Seized by the Star Wolf

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Book: Seized by the Star Wolf by Jennie Primrose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennie Primrose
civilized, jarr? For you, Sarah,” he said. “Show you I’m not just a beast.”
    “The clothes look good on you,” I told him.
    And indeed they did. The t-shirt was tight enough on him that it did little to hide the musculature of his chest and abdomen. I could see the dark lines of his silver fur under the cotton material as well.
    As for the fatigue pants , they were certainly tight enough to show off the bulge at his groin…
    “Did you use soap to wash?” I asked. “I think I smell… coconut?”
    “It was… a wash,” he explained, his hand scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. “A body wash. I found some in one of the crew quarters. I wanted to be clean for you. I normally only use water.”
    “Silly,” I told him. “I already told you I like how you smell.”
    He didn’t smell bad this way… But his normal scent was so appealing, musky and sweet and entirely male, but not foul at all. “You don’t have to use anything but water.”
    “Really? Well that is a relief,” he sighed.
    I leaned forward, pulled his t-shirt up and caressed the line of silky fur running down the center of his hard belly. “You don’t need to shampoo this, either,” I said. “I like you just how you are, my wolf.”
    I wrapped myself around him, rubbing my face against his chest through the soft material of his t-shirt.
    He grabbed my shoulders tight, rubbing his nose in my hair and taking in my scent.
    “You don’t normally wear shirts, do you?” I asked him.
    “No,” he said, and he let me go for the moment, only to pull off the t-shirt and drop the garment loosely to the ground. Now, he wore his silver Star Wolf amulet, perched between his armor-hard pecs… but every other part of his perfect torso was expose d, muscles, hair and scars all… and I loved it.
    I couldn’t help myself. I rubbed my cheek against his chest, then licked one of his tiny man-nipples, wondering what his reaction would be.
    “Umm,” he said, “I don’t know… Ohh.”
    And then, he pulled my face away, and kissed me—hard.
    His tongue boldly probed the inside of my mouth, licking the insides of my teeth, thrashing around my own tongue as our lips danced together.
    The kiss was wet and raw and forceful, and yet it had my cunnie tingling and my heart throbbing.
    I was breathless when he finally pulled away.
    “I want to show you something.” He said. He nodded towards the door. “Something very important.”
    I sighed. I didn’t want this to end, not with my body hot and yearning as it was… But I had to respect that my wolf thought this was vital for me to see.
    He took my hand in his giant’s grasp and led me out of the door…

Chapter 10
    Sawagga led me only a few doors down the corridor, to where there was a door that looked identical to most of the others, though it had a security console mounted beside the door.
    The console had a rectangular, white box on it, and Sawagga placed his big hand there. Instantly, the door hissed open.
    “This is a private place for me.” he said. “Tinnee reprogrammed the security system to accept only my handprint.”
    Tinnee… I recalled that the smaller, red-furred Star Wolf copilot had been injured by Rakh.
    “Will he be all right?” I asked.
    Sawagga nodded. “He has some new battle scars, but he should heal up nicely. He was lucky. That one always is… I supposed he needs such luck, traveling with a pack of Star Wolves.”
    “Tinnee’s not a Star Wolf?” I asked, surprised.
    “No,” he said. “It’s hard to… Well, let’s just say he’s adopted. There are a number of shifter species still existing in the galaxy, and I consider them all brothers. Though some would disagree…”
    We passed through the door and entered Sawagga’s “private place.” The room was circular. The white walls at first looked bare, but I could see after a moment that there was a shiny, hexagonal pattern set into them.
    A padded gray couch of sorts took up the center of the

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