The Mountain King

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Book: The Mountain King by Rick Hautala Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rick Hautala
Tags: Fiction, Horror
Frowning, Mark said, “Oh, yeah? Where’d you hear that?” 
Dan smirked and shook his head. “The scuttlebutt. ‘Course, I figured it was bound to happen ... I mean, now that Phil’s out of the way.” 
A red flash of anger filled Mark. He clenched both fists and took a threatening step forward, but Dan didn’t back down. 
“And what exactly is that supposed to mean?” Mark said, his voice low and trembling. 
    “You know damned right well what it’s supposed to mean,” Dan said, straightening his shoulders and looking more than ready to fight. “It’s supposed to mean that I think you knew all along that Phil was going to get that promotion over you, even though he’s only been with the company a little more than a year.” 
“You don’t know shit, you little fuck—” 
    “And I think it means you might have had something to do with Phil not making it back from the mountain—” 
    “Get the fuck out of my way!” Mark said. 
    He was coiled and ready to fight, but he checked himself, knowing that he had to back off. This wasn’t the way to handle something like this. 
    “And I ain’t the only one around town who’s got half an idea that you might have even pushed Phil off that cliff ‘cause you were pissed about him getting that job over you.” 
“You’re full of shit, Jenkins.” 
Dan smiled a gap-toothed grin but still wouldn’t move out of the doorway. Over by the coffee machine, his friends had all stopped talking and were watching tensely. 
“So now that Phil’s dead, of course it makes sense that you’d get his job.” 
Mark’s fists were trembling as he squared off against the man in front of him. His pulse slammed heavily in his neck, and a loud roaring filled his ears. He could barely hear himself speak when he said, “Would you please excuse me?” He pushed past Dan and stepped out into the corridor. 
Only seconds ago, he had been thinking he’d go out to his car, drive home, and head straight to bed. But now, he didn’t hesitate as he strode down the corridor toward Sam’s office. He walked right past Sam’s secretary and opened the door, interrupting Sam, who was leaning back in his chair, talking on the telephone. 
Sam glanced up at Mark, a look of surprise on his face. 
“Hey, don’t bother to knock or anything,” he said as he hung up the phone. When he registered the anger in Mark’s expression, he frowned and asked, “What can I do for you?” 
“Is it true what I heard?” Mark snapped, fighting back the urge to shout. He walked up to Sam but checked himself from slamming both fists on the desk. 
“Is what true?” Sam asked, a slight tremor registering in his voice. 
“That Phil was going to get the supervisor’s job?” 
    Sam’s face flushed. He looked down at his hands for a moment before speaking. Then, nailing Mark with a cold, steady stare, he said, “Yeah. It’s true.” 
Mark’s mouth dropped open, but the only sound that came out was a strangled gasp. 
    “I know, I know you’ve been gunning for that slot for quite some time, Mark, but—well. .. you know, Phil had the college degree and the training from that last job he had at that mill in upstate New York. Looking at who was most qualified, I had to choose—” 
    “Who’s most qualified? Jesus Christ, Sam! I’ve been with National Paper since high school—since before high school! I know this place inside and out, and I know every damned one of the people working in that division.” 
“I know all that,” Sam said mildly, “but when I have a slot to fill, I have to fill it with the best man I can find.” 
“And I was second choice—after Phil!” 
Running his teeth over his lower lip, Sam nodded silently. 
“Well then, I guess you can have it!” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean you can fill that goddamned position with your number three choice. Get it? I quit!” 
“Now hold on there a minute, Mark. Don’t go off half-cocked.” 

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