Beneath the Surface

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Book: Beneath the Surface by M.A. Stacie Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.A. Stacie
and the room faded into a sexual haze. Before she could find her bearings, he lifted her up, clutched her ass, and carried her to the table.
    Their ferocious kiss never broke.
    Kyran practically tore her suit jacket off and tossed it to the floor. He palmed her breast through her pink blouse. Sparks flew as he stroked her nipple, her panties now drenched.
    Kyran kissed along her jaw and unbuttoned her blouse. He exposed her lace-covered breasts to the cool air, his green eyes vibrant as he looked down at her.
    “We’re in the boardroom,” she said, trying to catch her breath.
    “Right now I couldn’t give a rat’s ass.” He rolled her nipple through the fabric of her bra before lowering his head to her breast. Wetness soaked her bra, along with her panties, as his teeth grazed her erect nipple.
    All anxiety fled, the feelings Kyran elicited overrode everything else.
    Pulling the bra cup down, he licked her nipple roughly then blew over it. Her head fell back, the rasp of his tongue driving her crazy with pleasure.
    “I want you,” he said on an exhale.
    “Say my name.”
    He pushed up her skirt, hooking his thumbs into the sides of her panties. “These need to go.”
    “Not until I hear you say my name. Now.”
    He bit back a curse and ran his hand over his shaved hair in exasperation.
    “Look, we are going to do this. I am going to fuck you. I have thought about nothing else for the last week. Now, you can talk all the way through, or you can enjoy it. However, if you choose the first, I can assure you that you won’t be talking for long and will be doing the second within minutes.”
    He undid his tie and opened his shirt to reveal his amazing torso. His words turned her on, the way he was one hundred percent committed to each and every thing he did. Including her. She just worried his fixation on her had an expiration date.
    “Don’t be an idiot. Say my name.” she said.
    “Dale.” He kissed her lips, pulling on her panties. “Dale.” She swallowed and allowed him to remove the scrap of lace and pocket them.
    “Thank you.” It was a whisper; Dale was unsure why she was thanking him.
    They kept their gazes locked. Their heavy breathing, along with the lowering of his zipper, was the only sound to break the silence. Her heart crashed against her chest as she prayed they wouldn’t be caught. She wanted this moment with him so much. No matter where they were.
    Kyran lifted his hand to her mouth, tapping her bottom lip with a silver condom wrapper.
    “Prepared much?”
    Crinkles appear at the corners of his eyes as he replied, “Boy Scout.
    Can’t help myself.”
    Unable to think of a witty retort, she let her gaze drift over his chest and abs. His waist was small in comparison to his broad shoulders, but it was his enticingly lickable V that had her mouth watering. It started at his hips and led below his underwear.
    Kyran smirked at her perusal. The man’s ego was huge. She continued to inflate it even more by drinking in every drop of him. And by the way his underwear strained, his ego wasn’t alone in its inflation.

    “Like what you see?”
    She bit her lip. The man was so sure of himself he didn’t need her reaffirming the obvious.
    “Stand up, Dale. Rest your hands on the table.” The firmness of his voice made her squirm with arousal.
    Dale did as he asked, feeling the cool air hit the cheeks of her ass when Kyran lifted her skirt around her waist. Her stomach flipped with excitement, her nipples ached with desperation. His body molded against her back, and he started to molest her neck with open-mouthed kisses.
    Kyran licked her skin and cupped her breasts from behind her.
    With each flick of his thumbs over her nipples, she moaned, rubbing her ass against his shaft. Without a doubt, the man had skilled fingers, knowing what she needed to urge her lust further. Joel had been good, but Kyran made him seem like a teenage virgin.
    He spoke seductively into her

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