Beneath the Surface

Free Beneath the Surface by M.A. Stacie

Book: Beneath the Surface by M.A. Stacie Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.A. Stacie
began to seep from her muscles.
    A throbbing began between her legs. All she could think of was easing the ache. Dale rolled her hips and Kyran pressed his thigh between hers.
    Dale shot a quick glance at the closed door and then at the large boardroom table.
    “Time to do what?”
    “This,” he replied before pressing his lips against hers.

Chapter 8
    Kyran’s taste hit her like a sledgehammer. She could smell him, feel him, and good grief, she wanted him. Every ounce of willpower and irritation disappeared, launching her into the kiss.
    Dale had been correct in her assessment: it was a devouring. Kyran’s fingers laced into her hair, tugging and twisting until her head tilted and the kiss deepened.
    She could barely breathe, every part of her body focused on Kyran.
    She’d dreamed about this, longed for it since the day she’d walked into his office, but nothing could have prepared her. Kyran aroused every cell in her body.
    A rumble emanated from low in his throat as he slid his tongue into her mouth. The sound reverberated through her body, making her nipples harden. She clenched her thighs, her panties growing damp. Kyran didn’t stop. His full lips roamed roughly over hers as he ran his fingers through her hair.
    Step by slow step, he backed her against the wall, never stopping his seduction of her lips. Any concern with their surroundings vanished, the last vestiges swept away with the stroke of his tongue. He pressed his body against hers, her breasts pushing against the hard contours of his chest.
    When he rubbed his thigh between her legs, Dale rocked her hips against him, the response automatic. She moaned into his mouth, feeling his erection harden. She trailed her fingers over his chest, enjoying the ripple of his muscles underneath his shirt. She tugged on his shirt, bringing him closer when she’d have thought that was impossible.
    Kyran hummed, tickling her tongue and causing her to smile against his mouth.
    “Ms. Porter,” he said as though her name was a warning.
    Dale looked into his eyes and was almost floored by the lust she saw pouring from them. “Dale,” she said firmly.
    “Was that kiss so good it confused you? My name’s Kyran.”
    “Call me Dale. Not Ms. Porter.”
    “We’re at work.”
    “But you’ve got your hands all over me, and your tongue is in my mouth. I deserve my name, Kyran .”
    He sighed, her name on his lips.
    He returned his mouth to hers. The kiss was forceful and angry, but it instantly turned up the heat flaring within her. He rested his hand on her hips, gripping them tight as she grabbed hold of his head again.
    Exhaling into his mouth, she ran her hand across his shaved head.
    Kyran ground himself against her, his erection hard against her stomach.
    Through his pants it was impressive, but she wanted to feel him. All of him.
    Dale nipped at his bottom lip, loving the hiss he gave in response. She had to find her power in all this. Previously, it had been on his terms and his way. She wouldn’t allow herself to be carried away and led by his wants and his needs. She had her own. Kyran should see her for the strong person she was. She desired him, but would not be consumed by him or treated as his little secret.
    Darting her tongue forward to meet his, they battled. It was a dance of desperation as their tongues slid across each other aggressively, both fighting for supremacy. Neither one of them willing to give in to the other.

    Dale felt the vibrations of his moans through her mouth. They traveled all the way down to her sex, making her wet from just kissing Kyran.
    However, this wasn’t just a kiss. This was something else, something far more intense. At times she disliked the man, and other times, Dale could think of nothing but having him between her thighs, pumping into her body. She whimpered at the thought.
    Kyran hitched her leg up his thigh, trailing his fingers along her skin.
    He never stopped his hot, teasing kiss. Dale’s head began to spin,

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