Vampyre Blue

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Book: Vampyre Blue by Davena Slade Nicolaou Read Free Book Online
Authors: Davena Slade Nicolaou
when you were bitten. You kept saying ‘Pierre Bit me’, you repeated it over and over, sobbed it in your sleep, in your nightmares.'
    'Oh Star! I don’t know any more!' Blue flopped into Star's arms and burst into tears. She was overwhelmed by the thoughts in her head of Pierre not being the monster any more and her guilt of sleeping with a complete stranger in his absence.
    'Blue sweetheart. We’re going to get you fixed up. I'll run you a bath. We’re going to get you all dolled up. Daen’s coming over later to take you out. He rang earlier. He wanted to apologise for running off when you were still asleep.'
    Star got up and strolled over to the bathroom, before she got there Blue yelled,
    'Daen. He rang and said he’d take you out tonight. He asked if he could talk to you, but you know me. I told him you could go, that you need to be spoilt rotten!'
    'Star!' Blue wanted to strangle the girl, but she knew she was trying to be nice, 'I love you, you crazy girl! But Blue didn't want to go out with him again. Blue huffed and added, 'I guess I should give him the benefit of the doubt. He shouldn't have left me.'
    Star smiled, 'He sounded sorry on the phone.'
    'I think I could do with a night out with someone that will take my mind off of everything.' Blue said, 'Thank you for saying yes, I might have refused if I'd have answered.'
    Star beamed.
    'That’s what I thought. I didn’t think you’d mind a huge handsome Adonis taking you out and making you feel like a million dollars and I'm quite jealous!'
    'Well, if you're jealous then I had better hurry up!'
    Blue slid out of bed and gave her a massive hug.
    'Thank you Star. Now, let’s get that bubble bath running!'

Chapter Eight.
    Daen had taken his time getting ready. He wanted to appear insatiable. He wanted Blue to want to devour him. He longed for her to lust for him as much as he desired her.
    He had dressed in a Saville Row suit. He loved his seasonal trips there, he never kept them longer than a season. So every suit he owned was brand new and insanely expensive. Once the season was over, he sent them to charities to be auctioned off. Tax breaks and all that. The cloth of today’s suit was as black as the night’s sky in the remotest of lands. He wore a black shirt to match, but he left the top buttons undone to show off his tanned hairy chest.
    Daen loved to look good for his dates, he liked to smell good too. The fragrance he wore had been especially made, designed exclusively for him, an essence from Egypt.
    Once he was ready, it was off over to Star’s Mansion to pick up Blue. He’d bought her black and dark red roses (which according to Star were her favourite) and a huge box of expensive truffle chocolates. He thought Star could probably eat the chocolates whilst he wined and dined Blue. She needed fattening up.
    Daen decided that taking the Lamborghini SV would be a good choice. Fast cars, fresh air and wine would be a good mix to seduce Blue. After their last encounter it was something he was intensely eager to repeat.
    The drive to the mansion was inconsequential, he arrived there without so much as a scratch or a race with another car. This was unheard of, he’d usually have half a dozen challenges on a journey of this length. No one was playing tonight.
    Star answered the door with a beaming smile.
    'So, you must be Daen then.' She was eyeing him up and down, 'We’ve heard so much about you.' She went to shake his hand. He held her hand and kissed it, like a gentleman from two centuries ago.
    'Nothing too bad I hope.' Daen flashed his charismatic smile.
    Star swooned.
    'Nothing you should worry about! Blue is a very lucky girl!' Her jealousy ruled her voice as she looked him up and down once more. 'Do come in.' She told Daen.
    Daen walked into the hall, he’d been here before. There were no huge surprises, except that the décor had been returned to its pre Halloween excellence. As he looked around

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