Vampyre Blue

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Book: Vampyre Blue by Davena Slade Nicolaou Read Free Book Online
Authors: Davena Slade Nicolaou
the grand hall he saw Blue.
    She was a vision, stood at the top of the sweeping staircase. His stomach lurched, the butterflies in full flight. She was wearing a flattering full length white gown like something Angelina Jolie wore in Alexander. A Greek Romanesque style. God did she remind him of Isis when she looked like this. There was a split all the way down one side, from her hips to the floor. It didn’t leave anything to the imagination. He felt himself lose control. He wanted her right now, the ache in his loins worsening by the second.
    'Pleased to see me?' Blue asked as she seductively drifted down the stairs.
    'Wow!' Daen grinned.
    Blue swept her hair from her face, looking like a girl from a hair product commercial only fifty times better. Her dark eyes and lusciously shiny red lips were indescribably beautiful. He embraced her, smelling her hair. Holding her close, he didn’t want to let her go. She smelt divine. His body tightened, pleasure shuddering down his spine.
    After the brief embrace that lasted forever but really for not even a second. Blue spoke,
    'So my dearest Mr Daen Ra’Bella, where are you taking me this fine evening?'
    Daen smiled. He thought to himself that he didn’t want to go anywhere but where they were right now. He wanted to take her back into the secret garden and make love to her all night.
    As Blue walked out onto the stairs she saw him there. He took her breathe away. She forgot all the niggling doubts in her mind that had come about from her weird realistic dream earlier.
    Daen’s lean body and muscular shoulders were enhanced by his expensive suit. Her made my mind raced. ' Wow.' She thought. This luscious edible man brought out every fibre of lust in her body. He was even more attractive to her now than he had been in the garden when she made love to him under the stars.
    As she walked down the stairs to great him, she couldn’t help noticing the effect she had on him as well. They smiled at one another, she swept the hair on her face back with one hand. They gave each other a hug, she noticed that he smelt her hair. He smelled divine to Blue.
    He also made her feel nervous and excited all at the same time. He was a true gentleman, opening doors and walking her to his car. His Lamborghini made her smile, such a show off car. It was fast though. They careered through the streets, launching over small bumps in the road. The cold November breeze swept through her hair.
    He turned to look at her.
    'Blue my sweetheart. Do you mind if we eat at mine tonight?'
    Her stomach lurched. The question was completely unexpected. The nervous and excited feeling returned with a vengeance. She was completely unsure, but reluctantly agreed. She figured that she was a Vampyre – So what’s the worst that could happen?
    There were massive wrought iron gates, ‘bleep bleep’ and they rolled open. The Lambo purred up the driveway to the front of the house. Blue could swear it was as big as Star’s mansion, if not bigger. There was no wonder she didn’t mind, and positively encouraged her to see Daen. She had totally checked him out!
    He got out of the car and walked around to help her out. The huge front doors led to a grand hall, very masculine. White and black, minimalist style, very angular.
    'I’ll get you a drink and then I’ll give you the grand tour! That is if you would like that?' He asked Blue.
    By now she had regained her confidence. His house was beautiful and had eased her comfort levels.
    'That sounds great.'
    Daen led her into the kitchen, there was a chef cooking food, with a few other kitchen staff fetching and carrying thing.
    'Sorry about this. You weren’t supposed to see all this, but we need a drink and I can’t expect them to cater to my every whim.'
    'So you’ve hired a catering team to cook us dinner tonight?'
    'Something like that,' He smiled, 'Is Champagne alright? It’s just about the only alcohol I drink.'
    'It’s a

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