existed. It felt as if it was still attached to him. He then moved
his big toe, followed by the others. As he moved parts of the leg
that no longer existed, he looked at his prosthetic leg which
didn’t move in the slightest.
    Tom began to
scream and to punch and head butt the wall repeatedly.
    ‘ Mr.
Williams, calm down right now!’ the woman said sternly.
    Tom continued
to punch and head butt the wall, harder and harder.
    ‘ Right, Mr.
Williams, you’ve given us no choice, we’re coming in.’
    An unlocking
sound came from the door; it swung open, hitting the wall. Two men
quickly entered the room. They wore white jackets with blue
trousers. At the entrance stood a woman, she wore the same type of
    Tom turned
from the wall and swung his right fist at the first man and hit him
on the left side of his jaw. The speed of the man’s pace and the
strength of the punch knocked him onto the floor. Tom saw the other
man pull out a police bat from the back of his trousers and charge
towards Tom. Tom kicked him with his prosthetic leg in the stomach;
which winded the man, he remained standing as he hit Tom on his
left cheek and his nose which knocked Tom forcefully to the side.
Tom looked up, his eye watering and his nose bleeding. The bat
neared his face again; Tom ducked and ran toward the man. Tom
grappled with him, wrapping his arms around the man’s waist,
digging his shoulder into his lower stomach, and forcing him into
the wall.
    Tom heard the
bat bounce off the floor behind him. He grabbed the man, pulled him
away from the wall, shoved him forcefully back into it again, and
punched him repeatedly in the face. As the man slanted down the
wall, unconscious, the other man began to stand. Tom grabbed the
bat off the floor and walked toward the man who struggled to stand.
Tom hit the man on the top of his head, and knocked him out. He
landed on the floor face down.
    Tom looked at
the two men on the floor and looked at the door, ready to make his
exit. He was stunned to see the woman at the door holding a syringe
was Lucy.
    ‘ What the
fuck’s going on Lucy? Where’s Dan?’
    ‘ I don’t know
    ‘ Lucy, it’s
me, Tom!’
    ‘ Mr.
Williams, please calm down and get back into bed.’
    ‘ Lucy,
Stewart is dead and so is Anna. We’re next if we don’t
    ‘ Get into
your bed now!’ Lucy said, clutching a bat in her shaking right hand
and a syringe in her left.
    ‘ Fuck sake,
    Tom walked up
to Lucy, but as he did, she swung the bat and hit him on the head.
Tom staggered to his left. As he regained his focus, Lucy tried to
stab him in the neck with the syringe. Tom grabbed her arm and
knocked the syringe out of her hand onto the floor. He continued to
hold her arm, grabbed her white jacket and threw her across the
floor to his right. She slid and stayed on the ground curled
    ‘ Please don’t
hurt me,’ cried Lucy.
    Tom didn’t
say anything; he was confused about why Lucy didn’t know
    He left the
room and entered the shadowy corridor, which was as dull as the
room. It looked grey with nothing in sight, except
    He looked
around to determine his best route of escape. To his right was a
man in an army uniform with a gun. Tom decided to run to his left.
The man shot at Tom, but missed.
    As Tom neared
the end of the corridor, another man appeared. He darted from
behind the wall at the end of the corridor and shot at Tom. He
missed the first shot but then hit Tom in the chest, halting him in
his tracks. Tom felt the piercing pain, followed by another two.
The third shot hit him in the throat; Tom struggled to catch his
breath. He was hit with another bullet on the pectoral muscle,
knocking him flat onto his back.
    Tom clutched
his throat, trying to breathe; then looked down at his body,
realizing there was no blood from the wounds.
    As his vision
blurred and the room darkened, he saw Lucy standing over him
looking down. She paused before pulling a syringe from

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