Jonathan Moeller - The Ghosts 06 - Ghost in the Forge

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Book: Jonathan Moeller - The Ghosts 06 - Ghost in the Forge by Jonathan Moeller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jonathan Moeller
Tags: Fantasy - Female Assassin
though none of the wagons were particularly full, the oxen nonetheless appeared burdened. A quick look at the wagons told Caina why. They carried stacked ingots of crimson steel. 
    “That’s red steel from the mines of Nhabatan,” murmured Caina to Corvalis. 
    Corvalis frowned. “If I remember rightly, that’s the only place where red iron can be found.”
    “Aye,” said Caina. “It’s incredibly valuable. Which explains the guards.”
    A score of men in elaborate gray plate armor surrounded the wagons. Their breastplates were adorned with elaborate, stylized reliefs that looked almost Maatish. Despite the bulky armor, the men seemed to move without encumbrance. Each man also wore an elaborate helmet fashioned from red steel. Caina took a step closer, hoping to get a better look…
    And then stepped right back, bumping into Corvalis.
    “What is it?” said Corvalis as Claudia joined them.
    “I think,” said Caina, voice low, “I think their armor is enspelled.” 
    “You’re right,” said Claudia. “I suspect that armor is Catekhari.”
    Caina blinked. “So Catekhari soldiers are escorting this caravan?” That warranted further investigation. “Come with me.”
    She walked to the front of the long column, Corvalis and Claudia following her. Lord Titus sat on his horse, flanked by his bodyguards. Halfdan stood nearby, ready to advise Titus. A middle-aged man wearing a fine tunic of white linen and sturdy sandals stood before the lord’s horse. A leather belt wrapped around his waist, holding a sheathed short sword and dagger, and he had a hawkish, weather-beaten face. 
    “Khaltep Irzaris at your service, my lord Titus of House Iconias,” said the man with an elaborate bow, “a humble merchant of Catekharon.” 
    “A curious coincidence,” said Titus. “My party and I are traveling to Catekharon at the invitation of the Scholae.”
    “Perhaps we can travel together, my lord,” said Irzaris. “The Red Forest is only a few days ahead, and bold bandits sometimes prowl beneath its branches. There is safety in numbers.” 
    “Indeed,” said Titus. “Though I am curious about what sort of wares the Masked Ones might purchase. One would assume they simply conjure up spirits to provide whatever they need.”
    “Perhaps, my lord,” said Irzaris, “but for all their power, the Scholae are still men of flesh and blood, and enjoy meat and wine and comely slaves. And the Sages of the Scholae are artificers without peer, but still require raw materials to create their enspelled artifacts.” He gestured at his wagons.  “The red iron of Nhabatan is rare, but the Scholae prefers to use it for their work. So if a daring man makes the long journey from Catekharon to Nhabatan and back, the risk is great, but the profits are greater.” 
    “Very well,” said Titus. “You would be welcome to travel with us.” He glanced at Halfdan. “This is Basil Callenius, a master merchant of the Imperial collegium of jewelers. He will find a place for you in the line of march.”
    Irzaris bowed again. “Thank you, my lord.” He strode to Halfdan. “May you find profit and shelter, Master Basil.”
    “And you as well, Master Khaltep,” said Halfdan. “These are my daughters, Irene and Anna.”
    Irzaris’s smile widened a bit when he saw Claudia. “Master Basil, you are indeed a bold man to take your treasures with you upon the road.” He bowed over Claudia’s hand, kissing her knuckles, and did not release her fingers right away. “Though I am sure you have chosen strong husbands for your daughters.”
    “Alas,” said Halfdan, “my daughters are yet unwed.” 
    Claudia looked appalled. She had been a magus and the bastard daughter of the First Magus, and only a bold or suicidal man would attempt to seduce such a woman. But a rich merchant’s pretty daughter made for a tempting prize. 
    “Indeed?” said Irzaris. “I grieve to hear it. It is a cold and cruel world. Perhaps, Master Basil, you

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