The Millionaire's Secret

Free The Millionaire's Secret by Susan Stevens, Jasmine Bowen

Book: The Millionaire's Secret by Susan Stevens, Jasmine Bowen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Stevens, Jasmine Bowen
and marry. Your own romance will forever live on. But will you let mine do so?”
    His mother opened and closed her mouth a few times, debating what to say. That was supposed to never be spoken of, what she was before she married his father. She had worked hard to erase that part of her life, to become someone that she was proud of today. No one was ever supposed to know about the three jobs she worked as a teenager, the hand me downs she wore or the skirts she sewed until they fell apart. And she remembered her own disapproving mother in law, who she worked so hard to please, but never did. She had earned her place in this family, in this ballroom, with four sons to be proud of.
    Adam’s words were genuine, and Behati had never looked more beautiful and pure, even with the mascara trailing down her cheeks.
    “Just as your father and I had to make our path,” she said, slowly. “You have to make yours. You have to prove yourself.”
    “And we will,” Adam replied. Behati looked up at him, having remained mute this whole time. “What do you say, love? Shall we give it a try?”
    “I…” she stuttered, unconfident and afraid. “So much pressure, Adam. I’ve never loved anyone.”
    “Do you love me?” he asked, simply and she squeezed his hand, looking up into his face. 10 years was a long time to be with someone already, and this was not the same smooth faced business man she had tumbled into bed with. Adam was weather beaten and battle weary. Age and time had not been kind to him and he was not the usual boyfriend found on the arm of a beautiful ballerina. They were usually young and strong, dancers or performers themselves, with well sculpted faces and high cheek bones. But they did not tell the dancers sweet things in their ears, did not stand up in front of their entire families and sing their love. They did not offer them homes like this, and opportunities for whatever their hearts desired. They were not her husband.
    “Yes,” she replied, at last. “I love you.”
    “Then let’s give it a shot, shall we?” he asked, again and leaned down to kiss her. She didn’t have a chance to say yes because his lips were on hers, but it was implied, by the way her body reacted. She loved him.

Chapter 8
    “Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Katz,” their case worker said, when they walked into her office at the Latvian consulate a week after the ball. “I was just about to call you. I need a final signature and your divorce will be finalized.”
    “Really?” Behati said, with a grin. “Because you thoroughly had us convinced that we weren’t married in the first place.”
    “That’s not what I said,” the caseworker replied, a bit annoyed. “I said you shouldn’t have been married, legally, but you clearly found a loop hole to do so. So now that we cleared that up, if you can just sign here, than we can…”
    “What do you think, Adam?” Behati asked, with a smirk. “Shall we divorce just to get married again?”
    “The sight of you in a white dress would be quite appealing,” Adam replied, smiling at his wife, and then switching his glance to the case worker. “Please give me the paperwork, I will keep it in a safe place. But for now, Mrs. Katz and I have decided to give things another shot.”
    “What?” Their case worker looked like she wanted to strangle them. “After all that?”
    “Weren’t you the one who encouraged us to get counselling in the first place?” Adam asked, taking the paper work from her desk. “Clearly it worked.”
    “You went to counselling?” she asked, shocked.
    “Uh, no. We just tried a new approach. No more secrets, for one,” he said, folding it and placing it inside his suit jacket. “Thank you for all your help. We will contact you if we need, although I hope that we don’t.”
    He took Behati’s hand and they left the office before something could be thrown at them. Behati giggled as they headed back to the truck. She was always in a good mood in the mornings, the

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