After Midnight

Free After Midnight by Chelsea James

Book: After Midnight by Chelsea James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chelsea James
this adventure worthwhile for both of us lest I give in to my potentially ridiculous urge to back out, hop up, and run away. She waited me out, though, and stroked me gently. Her other hand roamed up my sweater, lightly stroking my breast
until I gave in, my body relaxing fully into her touch, my spine unwinding as I offered myself to her.
    Somehow Sonia could tell, and as I let out the breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding, her hands clamped over my rib cage, then pushed my sweater up to my neck. I made a move to take it off entirely, but she stilled me. “Keep your hands over your head, Gina,” she told me, and the way she said my name, like some kind of curse, made me shiver. She peeled down the lacy layers of my bra, exposing my breasts and very quickly much more. “ Dios mio, chica ,” she said, lapsing into Spanish at the sight of me, even though English was clearly her preferred language. It sounded so sexy to my ears, but soon I stopped listening almost altogether as my moans drowned her out.
    She squeezed my breasts, making me wet my panties and arch my hips, and tugged on my nipples, pinching them tighter and tighter as my face contorted involuntarily. I swallowed hard and shut my eyes. She pressed hard against my nubs, while my jeans pressed tightly against my cunt as I twisted around. Sonia leaned down and grabbed one nipple between her teeth, sinking them into my pink flesh slowly but forcefully while her fingers did the same to my other nipple. Again she waited me out, pouncing on me as she pushed me to the limits of my arousal. I let out a strangled cry as her teeth crowded my nub, the pain sinking in above the pleasure, and just then she let go, her tongue assuaging the pressure she’d just created. If Sonia was on a quest to make me come by playing with my nipples, she was doing a good job.
    I’d given up on trying to reciprocate in any way, because her powerful focus had turned me to jelly. She ran her lips all along my breasts then moved lower, licking along the ticklish rounded edges of my stomach, squirreling her tongue under my waistband. Finally she pressed the back of her hand against the wet seam of my jeans, rubbing my slit as I’d wanted her to do
from the start. She pressed hard, the bony edges of her hand firm against my slick, needy lips. I think I cried out, “Yes” and later “Sonia,” but I knew she would go at her own pace.
    After torturing me with these clothed strokes for a while as I teetered on the edge of the waterfall, threatening to spill over but staying on the safe side for the moment, she peeled off my jeans and took my soaked panties with them. I was so wet that all I cared about was her touch, and Sonia didn’t disappoint. She pushed one finger into my dripping wetness, and I heard her let out a moan, then a real curse as she inserted another and another. My arms still above my head, I banged my fists lightly against the bed, spreading my legs as her fingers sank magically inside. Out of the corner of my eye I saw some lube nearby, reached for it, and delicately tossed it over to her. I was plenty wet, but I wanted more. She slid her fingers out, and I felt the loss immediately, but when I opened my eyes and saw her drizzling lube onto her fingers, I was more than placated.
    Sonia returned to my pussy, a look of studious arousal on her face as she again entered me, this time with three slippery fingers. I contracted around her, tightening against this much-needed pressure. She slipped her little finger inside, and I felt it edge its way along my walls. No sooner had I adjusted to that last digit than her thumb was nudging against me, pressing inside. Tears of pleasure pooled in my eyes when I realized she was going all the way: her whole hand. I shut my eyes and tried to stay as still as possible.
    Sonia pressed her face against me, her tongue lightly stroking my clit as her fingers easily curled inside me until the

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