Just One Bite Volume 2
incandescent with need. She kept trying to rock back onto him but his hands held her still as he thrust into her with a punishingly deliberate rhythm.
    When she felt the tension in him kick up, she remembered herself.
    “Give me your name,” she said huskily.
    “No,” he growled. His fingers curled hard over her hips.
    “Give me your soul,” she said, losing the thread of her words as he started to pound into her with even greater force. Her body, too, began unraveling.
    His voice was hoarse. “No.” His movements grew jerky, finesse abandoned for mindless urgency.
    “Then give me your seed,” she cried, and he slammed into her and roared out his climax while she clenched around him again and again, lost to the pleasure that wracked her body.
    He stayed draped over her after they collapsed, a little askew so that if she turned her head she could look at him while she caught her breath. His eyes were closed, and his face free of many of the stern lines that had been there before. The curve of his lips was relaxed, sensual. She traced them, and he caught her hand to kiss it.
    “I see how easily succubi lead men to fall,” he said with feeling.
    “But not archangels.” She could still feel him hard inside her. “I may have to try again. For pride’s sake, of course.”
    “Naturally,” he said dryly, but he didn’t seem displeased by the notion. He pressed into her almost experimentally, and she dug her nails into the earth as her nerves reignited. “And while I keep you occupied, I presume my ward remains safe?”
    She had no interest in the princeling any more. “I won’t touch him,” she promised. “But you’ll have to keep me busy for a long while.”
    “I do need to keep guard over him.” He sounded regretful.
    “Good. I’ll need sleep occasionally,” she said, and he chuckled. He shifted them onto their sides so that his hand could roam over her more freely.
    His fingers dipped into her cleft and stroked. Deftly, he brought her to another peak before possessing her as completely and relentlessly as before, while she fought to bring him to the same pitch of passion he incited in her. Sex with Baraqiel felt like battle, furious and exultant and somehow victorious for both sides in the end. Her blood hadn’t sung like this for ages.
    He finally left her limp and satisfied before he left to tend to his princeling. The heat in his gaze, sated though he had to be, told her that he would return.
    She knew it was madness, a demon and an angel, and yet she kept meeting with him. They always exchanged harsh words, always coupled fiercely, always lay beside each other afterward in truce. He liked to touch her hair, twining it around his fingers and marveling at its sable length. She took to using his stomach as a pillow.
    They never spoke of next time, but there always was one. He would come to the grove to find her, and she would be there to be found. Then he would return to his prince.
    On the day a storm swept in, she thought of mating with Baraqiel amidst all that elemental force and wished that he were with her. Perhaps he wouldn’t venture out into the rain, but there was no reason why she couldn’t seek him out.
    He was likely in the castle by the garden. She had slipped into better guarded places. But she had not reckoned on the prince emerging just as she entered the courtyard.
    He strode toward her eagerly. “You!”
    Lilith backed away. She had promised Baraqiel to stay away from this man, but she lingered a moment longer, hoping to see the archangel. It gave the prince the time to reach out and snag her wrist.
    “I’ve seen you before,” he said. “I just want to know who you are. You’re so beautiful.”
    She tried to pull away, but he was insistent. She could see in the way he looked at her that he was already enraptured by her succubus’s allure. Worse, she reflexively responded to his desire. It was so easy to let him draw her toward him, to mold her body against

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