Gaming for Keeps (Entangled Ever After)
weird-ass work emergency to deal with, but he’d gone from snuggling to kicking her out in under two minutes. She’d given him the benefit of the doubt once—could she really do it again?
    She punched the number for her floor in the elevator and sulked all the way back to her room. The place that had held such a promise of adventure only yesterday felt hollow and lonely now. So much for adventure. One guy had tried to buy her off with a drink and another had…
    Had what? Made her tingle from her toes to the tips of her fingers and every place in between?
    Her lips twitched and she raised a hand to cover her smile—not that anyone was looking. Maybe Cal had been her adventure after all. Her own gender-bending manic-pixie-dream-girl, there to reveal her own awesomeness and wake her the hell up sexually. And she did feel pretty awesome about herself if she stopped dwelling on the negative.
    The door to her room shut behind her, and she collapsed against it, ridiculous laughter bubbling up her throat. Cal had been precisely what she needed last night. Sure, she would have liked more—after that, who wouldn’t?—but she’d known going in it probably wouldn’t last.
    Giving a sigh, she tore off the clothes, taking a second to breathe in the scent of him lingering on the shirt she’d borrowed. She stepped into the bathroom, but the stupid shower only made her think about him and the way he’d hinted at a next time. No way. She was not dwelling on what might have been when last night had been so good.
    Bath. She could take a bath.
    Steam started filling the room, obscuring her reflection in the mirror. Good. She wanted to focus on happy thoughts, not see what she’d wandered the halls looking like. When the tub was filled, she sank into it, bending her knees so the water would wash over her head. She held her breath and blinked at the ceiling through the wavering surface.
    The ripples and bubbles gave way to Cal’s mouth on hers. On her neck. On her nipples. His hands tangled in her hair and gripped her flesh like he never wanted to let go. The tender way he’d made love to her, touching her in all the right places.
    As if with a mind of their own, her hands traveled from her breasts, over her stomach, to find the very place she had in mind. She eased her head out of the water, sucking in a breath as she circled her clit with her fingers. The one thing she wished Cal had done last night was to use his mouth on her, sucking on her clit, grazing it with his teeth, lapping at it with his tongue. She gasped as she imagined him there instead of her fingers. She plunged two inside herself as she kept on her clit with the other hand. Just a little more. Cal. Yes. Please, yes. An orgasm ripped through her, not as strong as the ones she’d had with him last night, but it left her spent nonetheless.
    She was already putting Cal into fantasy-guy mode, which meant she was in trouble. At least she didn’t have the means to stalk him. Sure, she could Google and Facebook and Twitter and all that, but she wouldn’t even go that far. He either wanted her or he didn’t. A great memory was a much more enjoyable prospect than any sort of ugly reality.
    Nope. She’d keep Cal Burrows right where she had him unless he decided to move for more.
    Determined to get the most out of her day, Pen scrubbed herself clean. Once she was dry, she dug through her clothes, hunting for something to wear. Snorting, she pulled out the T-shirt with the binary code front and back. Cal would probably get a kick out of it if they met up, even if she had to tell him what it said.
    For now, though, she was going to see if she could get a second chance at Stan Lee and hit some panels and the dealer room. Then tonight, she planned to immerse herself in cyberpunk killers and mayhem. And even if he didn’t call, it just meant she’d have a nice empty seat next to her to put her feet on if she wanted. It was the perfect plan. Nothing could go

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