Chrysalis: The Emergence of Emery (The Gifted Series Book 1)

Free Chrysalis: The Emergence of Emery (The Gifted Series Book 1) by Maria Macdonald

Book: Chrysalis: The Emergence of Emery (The Gifted Series Book 1) by Maria Macdonald Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maria Macdonald
quickly say, remembering my promise.
    “No, to your question. Superman was an alien, Em. We’re human.” He pulls his hand down his face then continues, “Since humans have existed, so have we. Maybe we’re over-evolved, or maybe something happened to our ancestors. I’m not sure. It’s like when people talk about Jesus. Nobody alive today knows the truth, so everything comes from historical documentation. It’s the same with us. We don’t live forever, we’re not immortal, but we do have a slower body clock. So we often live until we’re around one hundred and twenty… well, if we aren’t killed before. See I’m not good at explaining this stuff.” He shakes his head and closes his eyes.
    I say nothing and wait for him to carry on.
    “Okay, so years ago there were houses, we’re the House of Laird. Everyone had a place in our society and largely it was peaceful. Our ancestors tended to live in their own communities, often away from regular humans for fear that one of the children would display something they couldn’t explain. Country villages were always good, so that’s where you would mostly find them. Back then a lot of people did join with their other half, the fear of vulnerability wasn’t really a concern back then, it was just the natural way. If you loved this person, the other half of your soul, you knew there would never be another being that you could love more than the person you belonged to… so why not be together, as it was intended.
    “A few years before I was born things started falling apart. Some houses turned dark, they started by striking out within their own families. Then, when one person beat the others back, they took over and used their new found placement as ruler to try and battle other houses, ultimately wanting to take over that house, too. Obviously the more they ruled, the more power they had at their disposal, even though traditionally they couldn’t rule a house unless they were a blood member. More houses fell. When there were only the six head families left, they thought it best to disband and separate members, to try and keep everyone alive. The intention was to bring this new monster down... but that never happened.”
    I can feel my heartbeat picking up speed as Elijah explains our story. I take a few deep breaths and he notices, pausing the history lesson so I can gain control. Once I calm he carries on.
    “Our mother, Zarina, she was from Alposco House. She was paired with our father Edrin way before the family wars started. Her house, like Laird is one of the major six. All six houses are similar to royal bloodlines. Those houses always made the decisions, decided our laws. And they had many followers, people who chose of their own free will, to believe in their values. They were respected, revered and loved. Laird was the Head House. The blue of our family, the blue light that shines from your power, it is the royal blue, the Laird blue…” Elijah pauses and I watch his eyes move above my head and they become unfocused, staring into the distance.
    “Our mother died not long after you were born, I don’t know how. Our father disappeared after she went. Many think he committed suicide, unable to live without her.” His eyes move back to mine and are now sharp. “The man you saw this morning, the same one who you spoke with on the phone, he is Zed. When you were attacked the other day while out with Sicily, can you remember the name of that man?” I shake my head no. Everything was so rushed and then I was dragged back by Kade. “His name was Zeit. He is Zed’s son and our cousin.”
    I gasp at his revelation.
    “Zed is our uncle, our mother’s brother and he’s from the House of Alposco. Emery, he wants us… we’re the heirs to the Laird House. Stay away from that man, he will try and win you over. But if you refuse to bend to his will, make no mistakes, he will hurt you, maybe even kill you. Although that’s a stretch, you’d be much more

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