White Jacket Required

Free White Jacket Required by Jenna Weber

Book: White Jacket Required by Jenna Weber Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna Weber
a line cook’s and my fingernails those of a dishwasher. I didn’t really mind, though, other than when I got odd stares and glances at the restaurant. I gathered people thought I had a cutting problem, which always made for interesting conversation.
    After my shower, I pulled on my standard work outfit—a black A-line skirt, black sweater, and heels. It felt so odd to wear nice clothes after running around in baggy checkered pants and an oversized chef jacket all day. I felt like I was constantly playing two parts, with one foot still in the world of heels and pearls, and the other in that of grease and frying pans. I got to work early, as usual, so that I could pick up some tea from the Starbucks next door to sip at the hostess stand. As I walked through the restaurant doors, Laura immediately looked up and gave me a big, warm smile.
    I noticed the restaurant was just starting to fill up for the night; it was mostly families with small children occupying the roomy booths along the wall.
    â€œHow are you, Laura?” I asked her while setting my purse down below the stand.
    â€œGood. Tonight should be a busy one,” she said. “We have about 140 on the books with mostly late reservations.” She made a face. We both hated late reservations because the later people sat down to eat, the later we had to stay. I took my stand next to her and started preparing special birthday menus with pieces of colorful ribbon tucked inside. It was only 5:30, and we had about an hour until things really started to pick up.
    Just then, Tony walked out from the back office. The look on his face told me he was in another one of his classic moods, and more than anything I just wanted to stay out of his way. He walked right up to the hostess stand and stared at the computer for a moment.
    â€œGirls, the Greens are coming in tonight, and they had a really bad experience last time. I want both of you to make tonight the best night of their damn life, you hear me?” Tony was talking to both of us, but he was looking straight at me and just his presence almost made me start to sweat.
    â€œOf course, Tony,” Laura said. “They’re coming in at eight, so I’ll set their table up early with some Hawaiian flowers and a candle.”
    â€œNice, Laura. Now you,” he said, pointing at me. “You need to start being more assertive with guests. Have conversations with them, get to know their babies, that kind of stuff. Make them feel like you care about them. That’s how people feel special and then want to come back. Don’t just stand up here like a stone. Do something with yourself!”
    I could feel my face start to burn. I had always been introverted, and there was nothing I hated more than confrontation. “Of course,” I said. “I’m sorry; I’ll really try to do better.”
    Tony stared at me for a second and then walked away without another word.
    â€œI know he seems hard, but I promise he’s like a teddy bear deep down,” Laura said sympathetically. “It took him forever to warm up to me, too. That’s totally normal.”
    â€œI hope so,” I said. “Between him and my chef-instructors at school, I constantly feel like I’m up in arms.”
    â€œSeriously . . . I don’t think Tony started liking me at all until I had worked here for a year. Before that he just thought I was some airhead, I think. I had to prove myself to him first by putting in the time here.” Laura shrugged. “Now he’s almost like my second dad or something. I know he’d help me out in any situation.”
    â€œWell, you’re lucky then. I still think he thinks I’m a dumb blonde,” I said right as the double doors swung open and a family of eight walked in.
    â€œAloha!” Laura called out and I started to prepare four children’s menus with crayons. It was 6:45 now, and the rush was about to begin full-force. I was

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