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then asked, “Is the project I asked to be completed ready?”
    “Yes, my Lord.  It was finished several days before you returned.  As you requested, it has remained covered.  I was told by Gloran that it will only require one basic soul stone.”
    “Good,” Richter said.  He handed over one of the soul stones.  “Gather everyone tonight under the Quickening.  Let’s say right after the evening meal.  We will unveil it then.  I need everyone together anyway.”
    “It will be done, my Lord.”


    Richter and Randolphus continued walking through the village, talking about this or that.  At some point, Alma flew up and took her customary perch on top of Richter’s shoulders.  As they walked, Richter greeted everyone that he could.  He wanted his people to feel comfortable coming and speaking to him.  The best way he could figure out to accomplish that was to go speak to them first.
    It also let him get an overall feel of his people’s mood.  It was true that the village interface had a Loyalty and Morale bar.  It showed Richter that the overall Morale of the villagers was ‘Happy’ and their Loyalty as a whole was ‘Dependable,’ but it wasn’t enough for him to hang his hat on.  The interface didn’t show him an individual’s Morale or Loyalty.  He also didn’t know how his city screen was updated.  He knew he had to spend some time really investigating it, but now was not the time.  The truth was, Richter put more stock in actual physical interaction than some mythical mood rock. 
    He was pleased to see that most of his villagers greeted him with smiles.  Actually, many were excited about the Forge having been built and tried to pester him with questions.  Randolphus was able to effectively shoo most away.  Richter was pleased to see that his chamberlain and the other villagers had a positive rapport.  Though they left without the answers they sought, they still left with smiles on their faces and easily accepted the chamberlain’s authority. 
    Even more important than the one on one interactions, was the fact that Richter often heard laughter as he walked.  Children ran around playing and his people smiled at one another.  Overall, the village had a bucolic feel, and other than the three villagers he had seen upon leaving the Forge, his people seemed to be recovering well after the attack. 
    The two men walked to the meadow leading up to the hill, because Richter wanted to check on the project with his own two eyes.  To be honest, he also missed the calming influence of the Quickening.  As they walked he took the opportunity to check his status page.  Some of his stats were lower without the perks of his enhanced sprite armor, his Dexterity especially looked lower without his bow equipped, but he still had a respectable build. 
    Name: Richter
Age: 24
Level: 18, 81%
    Health: 430        Mana: 390        Stamina: 210
Strength: 21
Agility: 24
Dexterity: 19
Constitution: 25
Endurance: 21
Intelligence: 37
Wisdom: 21
Charisma: 24
Luck: 15
      Gift of Tongues
      Fast Learner
      Bounty of Life
      Psi Bond
      Herb Lore Lvl 39; 22% to next level
      Alchemy Lvl 1; 0% to next level
      Enchantment Lvl 29; 44% to next level
      Crafting Lvl 1; 0% to next level
      Smithing Lvl 1; 0% to next level
      Analyze Lvl 6; 7% to next level
      Pierce the Veil Lvl 23; 45% to next level
      Stealth Lvl 6; 14% to next level
      Traps Lvl 21; 87% to next level
            Trap Disarm Lvl 21; 99% to next level
      Archery Lvl 10; 24% to next level
            Imbue Arrow Lvl 5; 18% to next level
            Focus Lvl 3; 78% to next level
            Double Shot Lvl 3; 31% to next level,
            Drill Shot Lvl 2; 40% to next

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