More Than a Fling?

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Book: More Than a Fling? by Joss Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joss Wood
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary, Contemporary Women
was bothering her at five-fifteen on a Saturday afternoon. She hadn’t
ordered Room Service and nobody but Ross knew she was in Cape Town. could only be.
    Ally licked her lips and wished her heart would get the message
and not go all fluttery and stupid and...and girly ...whenever she thought of him. It was just...silly.
    Ally looked down at her outfit: sensible beige Capri pants that
finished midthigh and a black crop top that ended two inches above the waistband
and showed off the straps of her purple and black push-up bra.
    Not the most seductive outfit in the world.
    He knocked again and Ally crossed the room to open the door.
Ross, dressed in bottle-green board shorts, a white T-shirt and flip-flops that
showed signs of being chewed upon, stood in her doorway. He looked rumpled and
sexy and desire roared through her body.
    He was standing in the entrance to her room and it was all she
could to not yank him inside and climb all over him.
    Ally folded her arms. ‘Um... Ah... I didn’t expect to see you
here...I mean again—at least not until Monday when know...’
    Jeez, smooth. Like...not.
    She took a deep breath and gathered her scattered wits
together. It took a while because some of her wits were eyeing his mouth, others
were imagining his ass beneath her hands and the sluttier wits were checking out
his package, which looked very impressive indeed.
    She eventually managed to string a complete sentence together.
‘What are you doing here?’
    Ross’s mouth quirked up at the corners. ‘Grab some shoes and
let’s go.’
    ‘Where to?’ Ally asked, and then twisted her lips. ‘I mean...I
can’t, Ross.’
    ‘That wasn’t actually a suggestion. I’m going out to listen to
a jazz band and you’re coming with me,’ Ross countered.
    ‘Ross, seriously—thank you for the offer, but no.’
    ‘Okay, then.’ Ross pushed past her, sat on the edge of her bed
and flopped backwards. ‘Let’s stay here and neck. That sounds like an even
better plan.’
    Ally flushed, unable to take her eyes off his large, masculine
frame. That was the best idea she’d heard in weeks. She could just walk on up
between his spread open legs, lower herself down onto his wide chest and sip at
that stunning mouth. Those impressive arms would keep her anchored as she moved
against his erection...
    ‘One of these days I’m going to be part of your daydreams,
Jones,’ Ross promised, his eyes molten gold.
    Ally snapped back at his words and silently screamed when a
deep, dark flush spread up her neck and into her face.
    ‘Will you please leave?’ she demanded, her voice hoarse.
    ‘Go out or stay in—your choice,’ Ross countered. ‘I vote for
staying in.’
    Ally rubbed her forehead with her hand and wished that Ross had
even a slight acquaintance with the word no . Devil
and deep blue sea, she thought. If she went out with him then she’d have to talk
to him, and she was already, very grudgingly, fascinated with the man. Spending
more time with him, talking to him, would make her more so.
    If they stayed here they’d end up having sex, which would be
beyond stupid. He would, she just knew it, be an amazing lover, and she also
knew that he had the potential to become deeply addictive.
    And she couldn’t let that happen...
    He crept into her thoughts more often than was healthy and they
hadn’t even got to making love yet. She was trying to avoid being alone with him
because it seemed to be the intelligent thing to do, but Fate was making this so
damn hard! She was drawn to Ross in a way that scared her, because no
penis-toting human had ever had the impact on her that he did.
    Dear Lord... Ally swayed where she
stood, befuddled and bemused. Ross snapped her out of her daze when he stood up,
walked over to her and gently pushed a strand of hair off her face.
    ‘Look outside... It’s a stunning spring evening: warm and soft.
Everyone is outside except you. We’ll take Pic for a walk along the

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