Emergence (Awakening Series Book 2)

Free Emergence (Awakening Series Book 2) by Olivia Hayes

Book: Emergence (Awakening Series Book 2) by Olivia Hayes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Hayes
since I've seen your beautiful face and I think if I have to wait another moment I'll go mad. Mad I tell you!
    Can I treat you to lunch today?
    - Carson
    I pressed send as soon as I finished typing and then leaned back in my chair, folding my hands over my head and willing my Outlook notification to ding.
    I didn't have to wait long.
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Re: Cry Me A River
    Charlie and I had a wonderful time exploring the city. I think I discovered as many exciting new things as she did.
    I don't know why, but I never even thought about you working here. How did that not come up before?
    Lunch sounds excellent. B. Matthew's Bakery? Meet me in the lobby at 12:30. I'll be the one with the giant smile on her face.
    XO, Lou
    Feeling relieved for the moment, knowing I would see her shortly, I dug into my work, only looking up when my dad poked his head into my office.
    "Lunch today son?"
    I checked the clock, noting it was 12:28.
    "Sorry dad, I'm taking Lou. Rain check?" I asked, standing up and walking around the desk toward the door.
    "Sounds good Carson. Tell Lou hello for me. Your mother and I would love it if you both could come out to Bluffton for dinner some night. Maybe this weekend?"
    "I'll talk to Lou about it at lunch," I said, slipping past him on my way to the lobby.
    Lou looked damn sexy in her black pencil skirt and heels. Her hair was pulled up into a bun on top of her head and her bright blue eyes were laser focused on me as soon as I was in her line of sight.
    "There's my girl," I said, kissing her on the cheek as I slipped my arm around her waist and guided her towards the door.
    It felt so good to have her in my arms again, and as soon as we made it to the side of my truck, I pushed her against it, sliding my hand up to the nape of her neck and crushing her lips with my kiss.
    Our tongues worked in tandem, setting my veins on fire. When I pulled back from her we were both breathless.
    "I missed you," I said against her swollen lips.
    "The feeling's mutual," she whispered back.
    "So, my parents want us to come to the house for dinner this weekend. Think you're up for it?"
    "Let's talk about it over lunch," she suggested, giving me pause. I got the distinct impression that there was something she wasn't saying, but I decided to brush it off until after lunch. Hoping she would tell me whatever it was then.
    After helping her into the truck, and driving down to the restaurant, we ordered our food and I waited for it while she went to find a table. Once I brought the food over and sat down I noticed she looked uncomfortable.
    "You okay?" I asked, unfolding my napkin, my eyes searching her gorgeous face.
    "Carson, before we go any further with this, there's something you should know," she said, keeping her eyes on her lap.
    My nerves spiked and my brain was going ninety miles a minute as a million possible scenarios ran through my head.
    Was she sick? Did she have a sordid past? Different sexual proclivities? What? I waited with baited breath for her to tell me whatever she needed to say.

Chapter 14
    I glanced up at Carson over my sandwich and met his eyes, which were wide as he stared at me.
    I talked to Charlie, my sister, and my friend, Liz, over the weekend, and was convinced that telling Carson about Carly sooner rather than later was the best course of action, but I was nervous about how he'd respond.
    I knew he was a nice guy, but we were both so young, and whereas I had nine months to prepare for motherhood, I was worried he would balk at the responsibility of a child. Especially one as young as Carly.
    Steeling myself for his response, I looked him directly in the eyes and blurted it out.
    "I have an almost seven month old daughter, Carly. I should have told you on the 4th of July, but there never seemed to be a good time."
    His gaze widened as he leaned back in his chair, the bright green of his eyes glued to mine.
    "Carly," he

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