Hard Rock Unrehearsed

Free Hard Rock Unrehearsed by Rene Van Dalen

Book: Hard Rock Unrehearsed by Rene Van Dalen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rene Van Dalen
keep her safe until we flush this bastard out.”
    “I’ll talk to you soon Diego, we’re close, very close.”
    “Thanks man, if anything happens on this side I’ll let you know.”
    Diego sat with his chin on his fist staring out of the hotel window at the dismal day outside.  It was raining and he could sense the tension running through the hotel as everyone sat around waiting for it to stop.  The crew hated setting up in the rain, it was damned dangerous and more accidents happened because everything was wet and slippery.  He didn’t envy the men and women out there in the stadium working while they were wet and miserable.  At least the band was warm and dry here in the hotel and he didn’t have to worry that something would happen to Jade.  He supposed it was as good a time as any to have a heart to heart with Tag and let him into what was going on.  He sighed as he reached for his phone.  Tag’s phone went straight to voicemail which was strange and a shiver worked itself down his back.  He called the next one on his list.
    “Tank here.”
    “Hey Tank, where’s Tag?  I tried his phone but it went straight to voicemail.”
    He frowned as Tank laughed.  “Jay kicked him out, she told him to go and get himself taken care of because she couldn’t take another day of him snarling his frustration at her.  Apparently he hasn’t been laid since they got on the tour and he’s getting a bit punchy.”
    “What!  He’s not the only one who hasn’t been laid!  He can just suck it up or hook up with one of the fan girls!”  Diego snarled as he pushed himself out of his chair.
    “The way I heard it, and I heard it because they were shouting at each other, Tag is heavily into the BDSM scene and vanilla sex just doesn’t do it for him.  Apparently his needs are driving him crazy and Jay told him to just get the hell out and go smack some ass before she took a strap to his ass.  Let’s just say he wasn’t pleased.  He gave in eventually after she promised that she would stick with the band and that I would be with her until he got back.  He’s been gone for about an hour and a half, and he promised he would be out a max of two hours so he should be back soon.”
    “Jesus!  I thought they were only joking about the Dom and sub shit!”  Diego ran a hand through his hair as he walked over to the window staring out at the rain.  “Okay Tank, as soon as he gets in tell him I need to see him in my room.  Send him straight up to me.”
    “Will do.”
    Diego turned back to the big desk the hotel had supplied him with and the plans of the stadium he had laid out on it.  Every exit was marked, every possible position a threat to the band could come from were indicated in red marker.  Since the shit on the internet had started to escalate he had increased the security on the stage and backstage access.  He’d had a meeting with the entire crew and threatened immediate dismissal to anyone who let a groupie talk her or his way past them to get near the band.  He had replaced stadium security with his own guys where possible, especially the backstage access.  His biggest headache was keeping a control on the VIP passes that allowed access to the band.  His own team knew the importance of keeping a tight control on it but it pissed him off when he had to explain the shit over and over again to the support act and their legion of hangers-on.  Every fuckin’ city he had same damn problem!
    If Storm Front could limit the number of fans they allowed backstage then so could the damn support act.  He had given strict instructions that Marcella Vincent and her friends were not welcome backstage.  Storm Front had banned them from any and all access to the band.  And when RJ revealed that one of Marcella’s girls had been with Richie when he had OD’d and ran off without calling anyone it put the final nail in their coffin.  There was no way any of them would be able to talk the crew into sneaking

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