Until the End of Time

Free Until the End of Time by Nikki Winter

Book: Until the End of Time by Nikki Winter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Winter
they were; her eyes were wide and glazed. She
looked him over and stopped at his erection. “Is that a porpoise in your pocket
or are you happy to see me?”
    Sansone snorted and leaned
against the sea blue wall as he balled his hands at his sides. “What, exactly,
do you think?”
    She reached forward, and before he could think to
stop her, unzipped him. His dick might as well have shouted “Hi-yah!” for all
the power it used to come bursting out.
    “I think that God may have gotten you confused with a donkey when he made the placement
of sexual organs,” she answered.
    He opened his mouth.
    Nyssa’s hand wrapped around his
length through his briefs. “Do not. Just take the compliment in silence.”
    At the very least, allowing himself to smirk couldn’t
hurt. “You may want to tuck that back where you found it.”
    She shook her head. “No, my idea is far better.”
    He watched through hooded eyes as she released him,
only to delve her hand into her own underwear. Sansone’s nostrils flared at the sight and his next exhale was slow. Her hand reappeared,
covered in her come. It then disappeared into his underwear, grasping him skin-to-skin, warm with her juices. His
shoulders came up and slammed back into the wall. “Cara.”
    “Hush,” she voiced, unleashing him. Her hand caressed
heedless of the consequences and he stood there in a partial stupor. Nyssa’s
thumb circled the head lazily and she bent at the waist to follow the pattern
with her tongue. He closed his eyes to the sight, knowing that watching would
lead to him shooting his load without warning. The last time that happened, he’d been forced to learn
his wife’s hair care regimen before practicing it several times.
    She stood to her full height and tipped up to take
his mouth, her hand moving faster against his cock. There was something about
the way Nyssa kissed when libido clouded reason. It was lusty and full and
filthy. He loved every moment of it.
    She pulled her lips away to find his shoulder and
locked down right where he liked with her teeth. Her hand twisted slightly and
pulled his sex towards hers. She ran it through her pussy lips and being that
close to her heat was enough to make him spill himself with a groan. Nyssa
murmured contentedly when he stopped pulsing in her palm and pressed another
kiss to his mouth that made him stir again.
    Releasing him, she reached for a paper towel and ran it
under hot water before handing it to him. She created another wipe for herself
and they went about making themselves presentable again without a word. There
were naughty grins exchanged as they snuck out of the bathroom and trotted down
the hall. Sansone’s hands played with whatever he
could reach and she batted him away laughingly. As they left, he suddenly had
the thought that Nyssa still hadn’t begged, but she’d given him satisfaction without
any alternative motive in her touch. They were getting somewhere.

    “ Yo , Sultana, up for a swim?”
    Nyssa watched her husband’s gaze drift slowly away
from the book in his hands, only to narrow on her from where he sat stretched
out beneath the canopy of their bed. “It’s midnight.”
    She lifted her hands from the pockets of her robe.
    “ And I’m
fairly certain there are a bevy of safety regulations against—oh.”His book suddenly forgotten as it
tumbled onto the floor, he blinked at where her robe had landed after she’d
slid it from her shoulders. Its departure came with no more than a whisper as
the fabric settled around her ankles. “Oh my.”
    Grinning now, she backed slowly away—naked as
the day she was born—and headed for the deck. A chuckle came next as she
turned to run, only to be caught in the band of strong arms and lifted from her
feet. Her husband charged headlong from the room and towards the deck. Nyssa
screamed the moment he dived over without releasing her. The water rushed up
and then she was weightless.
    A few kicks saw her head above

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