
Free Blindsided by Fern Michaels

Book: Blindsided by Fern Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fern Michaels
real, but it was real. Every nerve in my body was twanging as I walked around. The hair on the back of my neck was on end the whole time. I felt like a thousand pairs of eyes were watching me. It was a really creepy feeling, I can tell you that. By the way, the local jail is filled. The three prisons within a hundred-mile radius are filled to capacity. I suppose you could say the town has a kick-ass police department, but I’m not buying that. While I was having lunch, I Googled the town, and that information came up.”
    â€œAre you saying that every offender who goes before either one of the twin judges or any judge ends up in prison?” Marti asked.
    â€œI think that pretty much sums it up from my point of view. But I found out something else, and the only reason I found it out was I read between the lines of the article that young reporter had published. He said the twins were land rich. Well, guess what’s built on some of that land? Boot camps would be my guess for want of a better term. That’s where all offenders who break the law are sent because the prisons are already filled to capacity. Again, I’m not sure of any of this, but I think I’m right, and right now I am stressing here that what I say is just my opinion. I could be wrong. Until we get copies of the actual land deeds, there is no proof. You spit on the sidewalk, you go to one of those camps. That’s the way it was in Pennsylvania if you believe the stories. Now, the article in the Baywater Weekly did not say that. It’s what I read between the lines, and I could be wrong. I’m sure Charles will have more details when he finishes his search and talks to us. With nowhere else to send offenders, they’re sent to these camps, with the state picking up the tab. Again, just my opinion. If you think about it, it makes sense. Win-win for the Ciprani twins. Think about this: they lease the land, get rent from the camps and a kickback from the managers or whoever supervises the actual running of the camps. And the state pays for it all. Are you all following me now?”
    â€œBastards!” Pearl snapped. “Back in the day, which was really just two years ago, I heard something about this from some of the women we were hiding in our underground railroad. I remember one of the mothers was hiding out her son. I can get to some of those women if need be. They might have some firsthand knowledge. As you all know, I’m under surveillance for running the underground railroad, so I have to be careful, but I can do it. What you’re saying makes sense to me if my opinion counts.”
    â€œAs long as you’re careful, Pearl,” Annie said. “We can use all the information we can get. I’m thinking we’re going to be going up against some very powerful people, who won’t take kindly to our brand of justice.”
    â€œAnnie, Careful is my middle name. When you take on the responsibility of hiding women and their children so no further harm can come to them, you develop eyes in the back of your head, and your other senses are always on high alert. I know the rules, so don’t worry about me,” Pearl responded.
    Charles took that moment to step down from the dais. He offered a greeting, then clicked on the monster TV. The women stared at Lady Justice with unblinking intensity, a reminder of why they were seated where they were and what they planned to do. Another click, and the full screen came alive with the picture of two beautiful women smiling into the camera.
    â€œDefinitely Botox,” Marti said. “Too much in my opinion. Especially on the forehead.”
    â€œThey’re not youngsters,” Pearl said. “Close in on their necks, Charles.” Charles clicked the remote control he was holding several times. “Turkey wattle! That’s hard to correct, and it appears to have been done already and needs doing again. That tells me their age is not what is

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