Cowboy for Keeps

Free Cowboy for Keeps by Debra Clopton

Book: Cowboy for Keeps by Debra Clopton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Clopton
the driving. God has a plan. You can’t see what that is right now, but believe me, He can. I learned that the hard way. Just go with the flow and get yourself well. Stop looking back and blaming yourself and thank God that you didn’t hurt anyone else in that crash. And by all means do what your pretty physical therapist is telling you to do so you’ll get back to being yourself.”
    Wyatt wasn’t sure if he’d ever get back to being himself. What Seth said was true. He’d found out in that crash just how easily and quickly control could be lost.
    Seth started to walk away toward the tractor but stopped. “There was only one perfect man and his name was Jesus. You’re human, Wyatt. Always have been, always will be. Humans all make mistakes, so give yourself a break, won’t ya? Cole won’t get married until you’re able to stand up and be his best man. He’s counting on you to be there for him body and spirit.”
    Wyatt watched Seth head across the yard toward the tractor. Catching Seth’s grin as he climbed up into the seat, Wyatt was reminded of how strong Seth had been during the deaths of their parents. The serious one, Seth had always been steady and true. Sometimes too serious, but always the one with wisdom beyond his years. Wyatt knew Seth’s advice was as true now as it always was, but right now, with the things going on in his head, taking that advice wasn’t as cut-and-dried as it should be.
    “Hey, big brother, while you’re working on standing up, forget about those twelve years and get to know Amanda. She seems like the kind of gal who might be great for you.”
    “Mow, Seth.” That advice he wouldn’t take. Right now the last thing he needed to be thinking about was a woman.
    Seth plopped into the seat. “Hey, I’m goin’, but I’m just sayin’—”
    “And I’m just sayin’ mow. ” Wyatt thought about Amanda and knew that if she heard what Seth was saying she’d probably laugh her way off the property and back to San Antonio…and well-warranted on her part.
    “So, why don’t you work with kids anymore? Did you get tired of it?”
    The question took Amanda by surprise. She was standing in the kitchen taking a chicken casserole out of the oven. Earlier that day, Seth’s wife, Melody, and Cole’s fiancée, Susan, had stopped by to meet her. They’d come bearing food and warm welcomes. Melody was a history teacher and Susan was a veterinarian. They hadn’t stayed long but she’d enjoyed meeting them. Wyatt visited with them some, but after they left he’d immediately gone back to being about as communicative as a rock for the rest of therapy. And now he wanted to ask her this? Of all things to want to talk about.
    She set the hot dish on the burner to cool and then removed her oven mitts as she debated exactly how to answer his question. “No. I didn’t get tired of it. I just needed a change.”
    She reached inside the cabinet and pulled out a plate for him and one for herself—to take back to her trailer like she’d been doing since she arrived. She could feel his blue eyes on her and had to make herself not feel self-conscious. The fact that she found him attractive bothered her. It didn’t help matters at all. Call her daft and it would fit.
    “I thought you told me the other day that you loved your work.”
    The man remembered way too much of their conversation in detail. “I did.” She weighed her options. She wasn’t going to tell him about not being able to have children, but she needed to tell him something. “Look, I was supposed to get married and my fiancé decided he didn’t want to. That tends to make you need a change of scenery. I decided coming here to Mule Hollow for a few months was a good idea.” There, that was about the best answer she could stand to give. It was the truth, too. Just not all the details.
    She dished the chicken and rice onto his plate, glancing at him when he didn’t say anything. He had an intense expression on his

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