A Secret Schemer

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Book: A Secret Schemer by Charley Dee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charley Dee
Tags: deceived misled betrayed
area.’ I grumble. ‘I have my
suspicions as to who the culprit is.’
    ‘It’s not me.’ Lucas chips in
with a smile. ‘You’ve both beaten me to it this morning
    ‘Gosh can’t any of you lot
sleep?’ Jena joins in with her usual chirpy grin.
    ‘You’re just in time to make
the drinks Hun and some of that yummy toast.’ I laugh.
    Some time later when all the
cleaning was finished I walked back into the kitchen to find Kate
had arrived a little early and looking rather down in the dumps. I
hope her relationship with Jeff hasn’t fizzled out.
    ‘You’re looking a tad dejected
honey, what’s wrong?’ Although I was desperate to know the answer
to my question, I certainly didn’t want to see Kate looking so
    ‘Lucy I don’t know how to tell
you this Hun, as I know it’s going to upset you.’
    ‘Hey come on it can’t be that
bad surely, you’re not going to leave are you?’ I ask
    ‘No of course not I’d never do
that, however this is going to cause a problem I know, Vie Butler
is Jeff’s mother’
    ‘OMG,’ I gasped. ‘I certainly
didn’t see that one coming.’ I could feel myself trembling inside,
what would happen now for Kate, she’d be pushed into making a
decision, all kinds of things started flashing through my mind.
    ‘I’ve talked to Jeff, I tried
to explain as diplomatically as possible, about how his mother had
been contacting the brewery and causing problems for you. He
stopped me mid flow assuring me he was aware as to what had been
going on.’ Kate continued uneasily.
    ‘So what is the bottom line
Kate?’ I ask cautiously.
    ‘Jeff looked rather sullen as
he left, saying he’d have to speak to his mother.’ Kate added
gloomily. ‘I haven’t heard from him since.’
    What a situation, I have to do
my best to sort it out as the last thing I want is for Kate to be
hurt because of this dreaded woman….

Chapter 12
    By Wednesday evening Kate still
hadn’t heard back from Jeff, she’d promised to contact me as soon
as she had. The subject is continually on my mind especially as
Kate’s personal life is now involved. At the end of the day the
resolution will be in Jeff’s hands, depending on how deeply he
feels for Kate. The whole issue is a terrible shame as Kate has
waited a long time to meet someone who she connects with, I guess
only time will tell. I was sitting in the restaurant eating my
evening meal as I pondered over the plight at hand, when Jena came
to join me.
    ‘You seem deep in thought Lucy,
what’s happening?’
    ‘Same old Hun, I just want it
all to be sorted out, for Kate’s sake more than mine.’
    ‘I reckon it’s down to Jeff’s
feelings, surely he must know his mother’s traits, what do you
    ‘Yeah I think you’re right
Jena, anyway let’s change the subject before it drags us all down,
so Hun how are things with Andy?’ I ask heartily as I try to focus
on a happier subject.
    ‘Great Lucy we get on so well,
true soul mates, I’ve been considering asking him to move in, I
would so value your take on this?’
    ‘If you both feel the time is
right, then go for it Hun, if you were asking should we get married
now, I would say give it a little more time.’
    ‘Hey me marriage, I don’t think
so, I’m the same as you Lucy Ross, no ball and chain.’ She laughs.
‘So have you made a decision about Tim moving in?’
    ‘What he appears to want is to
rent my spare bedroom for a hundred pounds a week, he says it will
be cheaper than the studio apartment he’s in now.’
    ‘So he’s not asking to live
with you then?’ Jena urges.
    ‘Not as such, as he’s sleeping
here about four nights a week, he feels it’s pointless paying out
for his flat when he spends more than half of the week here.’ I
explain. ‘He wants a separate room as he has a lot of IT equipment
and then we would

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