A Secret Schemer

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Book: A Secret Schemer by Charley Dee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charley Dee
Tags: deceived misled betrayed
both have space, also he doesn’t expect me to
feed him, I think he likes his own independence, which I feel is
    ‘It’s a slightly unconventional
affair, perhaps bordering on bizarre, however if it works for you
both it has to be worth a try.’ Jena offered shrewdly.
    ‘After giving it much thought,
maybe a trial basis on renting the room would be advisable.’
    ‘Sounds reasonable, I just have
your interests at heart Hun that’s all.’
    ‘That Jena Wright is always
appreciated, now time to get behind the bar and let Lucas have the
rest of the night off.’
    As Kate arrived on Thursday
morning she looked a lot brighter, had she got good news at last?
After wishing her good morning I slipped into the office, as I
didn’t want to be seen as hounding her, even though I couldn’t wait
to see if the problem had been solved. Within half an hour there
was a tap on the door and Kate’s smiling face appeared.
    ‘Can you spare a few minutes
Lucy for a chat?’ She asked softly.
    ‘Of course I’ll be right with
you.’ I responded perhaps a little too quickly.
    Over a cup of coffee Kate
started to explain what had taken place.
    ‘Jeff called around last night
and we had a heart to heart, by all accounts his mother was having
‘a thing’ with the ex landlord, even though he was married I hasten
to add. So when the pub closed her nose was put right out of joint,
Jeff admits she’s a difficult woman, however he’s given her an
ultimatum. Because he wants to continue his relationship with me,
she has to back off with all her aggressive behaviour or she won’t
see him again. From what he said he really laid into her, so once
again only time will tell, he admitted he wasn’t close to her and
knows she is very objectionable.’
    ‘Mm that’s one of her finer
points.’ I smile. ‘Thank you so much Kate let’s hope we can draw a
line in the sand, as you say Hun only time will tell.’
    With that I give Kate a big
hug, as I know this has been a stressful few days for her,
hopefully the dreaded woman will have learnt her lesson, they say
everything happens for a reason.
    Tim called into the bar later,
so I took a few minutes out to sit and chat, Jena and Andy had gone
out for the evening and I was working with Lucas.
    ‘Have you given my suggestion
any more thought babe?’ Tim asks hesitantly.
    ‘As a matter of fact I have,
why don’t we give it a try for a month and see how we get on.’ I
offer. ‘I feel that would be best for both of us.’
    ‘Could we possible extend that
to two months Lucy as I’ll be giving up my flat, I promise I’ll be
the perfect tenant.’ He teases.
    ‘OK you’ve twisted my arm, when
would you like to move in?’ I know it will be fun having him around
even if it is bordering on bizarre, fingers crossed and all
    ‘Will the weekend be OK for you
    ‘No problem sweetheart, the
weekend it is, now I must go back to work, are you staying or
    ‘I should go back to the flat
and start packing.’ He said cheerfully. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow
evening.’ With that he planted a little kiss on my cheek as he got
up to leave; his smile spoke a million words.
    I had a warm feeling inside of
me, that the future was full of promise….a new beginning.
    Friday was a busy day
throughout and I’d booked another different band for the evening,
in fact one that Archie had recommended. He’d been full of praise
for the four guys, however I’m expected an influx of youngsters as
their groupies, so Andy could have his work cut out for him
tonight. I believe it’s crucial to please a varied age group as
that’s what the Frog and Toad is all about, everyone is welcome.
Jayne has offered to come in and help behind the bar, so in total
there’ll be five of us to serve, well covered I feel.
    The evening as expected was
mega busy, Archie was in his element and Jayne clearly fitted in,
as for me, Jena and Lucas we served wearing a constant grin,

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