The Children Who Time Lost

Free The Children Who Time Lost by Marvin Amazon

Book: The Children Who Time Lost by Marvin Amazon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marvin Amazon
Tags: Science-Fiction, Adult
the Lypsos and Kysos in California just worked without people around to control them, did you?”
    “I don’t know. I just thought it would be somewhere else, like the Pentagon or something. I didn’t think the Space Port would be the place.”
    She started to speak but stopped when a tall man in a long gray jacket approached us in the company of two Lypsos. He had a huge, round face. His lips were so thin they looked like a slit under his nose. There were two women behind him, one with a smile on her face and the other with her head raised. She seemed to be studying the higher platforms of the warehouse. They must have been the other winners.
    “Mrs. Harris,” the man said. He smiled at Angela and she took her hand off my back. Then he shook my hand. “I’m Leonard Sinclair. It’s so good to have you here. If anyone deserves this, it’s you.”
    I smiled and nodded before looking past him at the two women. The one who had been smiling was young and very attractive. Her long dark hair glistened in the bright fluorescent light, as did her clear skin. The other woman was also pretty but masked it with the scowl on her face.
    “Oh, yes,” Leonard said, “these are the other winners. Monique Glass”—he gestured at the angry-looking woman—“and Amelia Simmonds.”
    I smiled at them. They walked past him and Amelia held on to left my shoulder. “I think you’re amazing,” she said. She was even more stunning up close, her blue eyes so prominent with her jet-black hair.
    I smiled. “Thank you. That’s such a nice thing for you to say.” I extended my smile to Monique, who stared at me with expressionless eyes.
    “So, have you been playing the Lotto long?” I asked.
    “Try the last ten years.” Monique said. A thin smile started to form on her face.
    “I’m so scared,” I said. “Are you?”
    “Like you wouldn’t believe,” Amelia said. “I just want to get there and get it done.”
    Leonard inserted himself between us, and Angela stood close behind him.
    “Right, ladies,” Leonard said. “It’s time. I trust Angela has briefed you all on the procedures?”
    We all nodded.
    “Good. I won’t bore you by repeating what you already know, but I will say this: You must never speak of what you see here or through the portal. This is a privilege we’re bestowing upon you. You’ve earned the right to be here, but you must respect the laws of the United States and the rest of the world. Is that understood?”
    We all nodded again.
    “I can’t hear you, ladies. Is that understood?”
    All three of us answered simultaneously. “We understand.”
    “Very well then.” Leonard took a step backward and Angela walked past him toward the exit. All the workers on the ground floor also rose and headed out. I looked at Amelia and Monique and then back at Leonard.
    “The rest is up to you now,” he said. “We shall not meet again. I wish you the best of luck with your new babies. You are the recipients of a great gift here, ladies. One many would die for. Treat your children well, and never look at them as outsiders, regardless of their race, eyes or hair color. In being here, you agree to the terms of the Worldwide Lotto. You shall be their legal guardians, but the state will be watching. Just as easy as it is for us to give them to you, we can take them away. I wish you all the very best.” He walked out along with everyone else on the bottom floor of the building.
    The two remaining Lypsos approached us. “Please follow us.” Their mechanical voices still sounded strange every time I heard them.
    We walked about two steps behind them, Monique on my right and Amelia on my left. Amelia extended her hand. I took it in mine. Monique did the same a moment later, and a chain was formed. The Lypsos marched forward without saying a word. I wanted to say something but thought better of it. Amelia didn’t hold back, however.
    “Was there any need for Leonard to say all that?” she said. “I mean, what

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