Someone Perfect for Mr. Moore

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Book: Someone Perfect for Mr. Moore by Lucy J. Whittaker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy J. Whittaker
this time.  He
felt his cock begin to harden again as he pulled off his boxers and entered her
bathroom.  He watched her for a few moments as she stood under the spray.  Her
eyes were closed and she was deep in thought.  He looked at her glistening body
and he slowly pumped his engorged shaft from root to tip.  Man she was so sexy,
she wasn’t even trying.  He idly wondered how he would survive if she actually
    He watched a frown flit across her forehead and then she
opened her eyes and met his gaze.  He smiled as he watched her swallow hard while
he pumped his cock.  Her eyes widened as she moved under the spray till her
back was against the tiled wall.  He slowly moved closer to her gaging her
reaction to him interrupting her shower.  He reached for her shower gel and
dumped some into his hands as he steadily moved closer, crowding her in the
shower.  She turned her back towards him as he twirled his finger.  He
stretched his hands out around her neck and massaged the gel into her creamy
shoulders.  He felt her relax and then he slid his body closer to hers and ran
his hands under her breasts, cupping them and running his fingers over her
nipples.  He nibbled at her ear and breathed in the scent of the shampoo that
lingered in her hair; he smiled into her neck as he felt her shudder.  As if he
had all the time in the world he explored her soapy body, then he steadily
moved one hand down to cup her mound and pushed a single finger inside her. 
    “Oh… Dean,” she shivered as he stroked his thumb over her
clitoris, moving his finger deliciously inside her.  She cried out as an orgasm
hit her out of nowhere, how could she have not known she was so close?  She
sagged against him, feeling his teeth nibble on her shoulder and the delicate
skin of her neck before moving to her ear to whisper to her.
    “I’m not finished with you yet Lucy.  I plan on making you
come a few more times.”  He held her to him tightly; she would have no doubt of
how aroused he was.  “Have you ever been spanked?” 
    She let out a startled gasp, strangely excited by his
question.  “Uh…no.”
    “Next time you are bad I may have to punish you.”
    “Next time, when was I bad this time?” Lucy shuddered and
gasped as he began to move his hands over her again, a soft caress here, a
rough touch there.  She had no idea what to expect.
    “You left my bed.  I expected you to be there when I woke
up.  I was very disappointed Lucy.  Don’t let it happen again.  Understood?” 
He turned her around suddenly as he asked the last question.
    Lucy looked up at him helplessly.  She blushed and then
slowly nodded yes.  She watched as he reached past her to turn off the taps. 
He wrapped a fluffy towel around her and slowly began to dry her body.  Her skin
was flushed before he finished. He took the clip from her hair and watched it
tumble down her back, he selected a few curls and laid them just so around her
shoulders.  Finally satisfied with his handiwork he stood back to dry off,
never leaving her gaze with his hungry eyes. 
    Dean was tired of fighting his desire for her.  Maybe if he
fucked her enough these feelings would go away.  He liked the way she was
looking at him right now.  Her lips were open slightly as she panted softly
before him.  Her eyes were soft and gray.  He smiled as she trembled with desire
for him.  He took her hand and placed it on his cock.  He watched as she ran a
slim finger around the sensitive tip and then slowly down under the head.  He
clenched his ass cheeks as she traced the large vein that ran down to the base,
before her soft hand cupped his balls.  He grabbed her hand to stop her and
pulled her into his arms.  He would love to have her pouty lips wrapped around
him, but he didn’t think he’d survive.  He reached over and turned off her
music, suddenly realizing why she hadn’t heard him come in.  He kissed her as
he picked her up to carry her to the bed. 

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