Someone Perfect for Mr. Moore

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Book: Someone Perfect for Mr. Moore by Lucy J. Whittaker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy J. Whittaker
threw the duvet to the floor and laid her down upon the
sheets.  He stood and looked at her spread out before him for a few moments. 
The sun filtered into the room and its rays caressed her body and picked up the
darker strands of red in her hair.  He moved over her and started in on her
again licking every inch of her body, lingering on the backs of her knees and
the sensitive skin over her hip bones.  She was writhing and gasping by the
time he lined his shaft up to enter her.  He braced his body over hers and slowly
entered her, claiming her body.
    He held her hands to her sides and then moved them above her
head.  He moved his body against hers like a cat, rasping his chest hair across
her sensitive nipples as he rubbed her clitoris with each stroke. 
    Lucy felt every sensation that Dean was exposing her to. 
She had never had anyone take such care with her. This time was so unlike the
violent mating that had taken place last night in his bed.  He hadn’t hurt her,
she had been just as enthusiastic as he had been, but this time was so much
different.  It was as if he was making love to her.
    Dean watched her face intently as he moved inside her.  Many
emotions passed across her features, and then her eyes got heavier as her
breathing quickened.  He could feel her body start to quiver, like a pulse deep
inside her was searching for a way out.  He felt her orgasm curling around his
cock as she stiffened beneath him, he held still deep inside her as she rode
out the waves.  She strained against him, clasping her legs tighter around his
waist.  He latched onto her earlobe and then let her hands go as he moved
faster and faster inside her, seeking his own release.
    Lucy felt like she should be participating more, after all
he was doing all the work.  But, holy smokes, he was like a machine, his hips
moving like a piston.  He stiffened and thrust deep as he came inside her,
letting out a guttural moan against her neck.  She could feel his penis pulsing.
    He collapsed on her for a few seconds, giving her his full
weight, and then he rolled off her, wrapping his arms around her to pull her
with him till she landed sprawled across his chest.  He stroked her smooth back
in one caress, running his hands down to cuddle her buttocks.
    “I know I have to go, but I don’t want to.” he said.  “Even
though it’s Saturday I still have work to do, although it’s in the stables
today, so I don’t mind as much.”  Dean felt so content right now, he didn’t
know if it was from the great sex, or something else.  He realized he was
willing to see if his relationship with Lucy led somewhere.  She didn’t seem to
care about his money and best of all, she wasn’t crazy.  He had been the one to
instigate their relationship.
    “How big is your stable?”  Lucy asked as she stroked his jaw
with one finger, slowly tracing the whiskers that had grown there overnight. 
    “What you saw yesterday were just the horses we ride for
pleasure.  The race horses are in a much bigger stable behind that one.”  He
paused for a few seconds as he looked at her.  “Do you know how to ride?”
    Lucy smiled.  “Yes… but it’s been a long time.”
    “Maybe I’ll take you for a ride one day, would you like
that?”  He looked at her eyes as they widened a bit.
    Lucy let out the breath she had been holding and gave him a
small smile; she liked the idea of spending time with him.  “Yes.  I’d like
that.  Your property is beautiful Dean.  I’m sure the rest is just as nice.”
    “I don’t want you to go unless you are with me though,
okay?  If someone asks you, tell them no.”  His felt his face harden as he
thought of her with anyone else, especially Max, he had seen the way they
looked at each other.  Just like when he and Lucy had first met, there was an
instant attraction there.  Max had backed off, but he hadn’t hid his interest
in her.  He was his friend, but for some reason he felt very

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