Superheroes Don't Eat Veggie Burgers

Free Superheroes Don't Eat Veggie Burgers by Gretchen Kelley

Book: Superheroes Don't Eat Veggie Burgers by Gretchen Kelley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gretchen Kelley
everywhere,” she says, blowing a strand of hair out of her face. “Dad texted and said he’s going to be here any minute, and he’s got a van full of veggie burgers that need to be dropped off before dinner.”
    I have to practically run to keep up with her.
    â€œBut I’ve got to find—”
    â€œCome on , Charlie.”
    We get to the main entrance, and Stella pushes the double doors open. The air is heavy with the smell of salt and seaweed. I scan the crowd of kids waiting for their rides to show up. Still no Franki.
    I hear a quick honk as the old blue van pulls around the corner, my dad’s arm waving out the window.
    â€œHey, guys,” he calls out. “How was the—” He stops when he sees me. “What’s wrong with you ? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
    Stella jumps into the front seat, waving at a few of her friends. I slide into the back as my dad turns to get a better look at me.
    â€œEverything okay?”
    I nod, staring out the window.
    â€œOh, don’t worry about him, Dad,” Stella says, answering for me. “The first school festival can be a bit … overwhelming for a sixth grader.”

    I wake up in the middle of the night, my room so black, I can’t tell if my eyelids are open or closed.
    I toss and turn, but all I can think about is the journal.
    Finally, I can’t stand it anymore. I kick off the blankets and climb out of bed. The floorboards creak as I tiptoe across the room and flip on my desk lamp.
    It sits smack-dab in the middle of a pile of papers, the soft leather cover practically glowing under the warm light.
    As soon as I touch it, the prickling starts. It zips through my fingers and up the inside of my arm.
    Calm down, I tell myself. This isn’t what you think. Stuff like this only happens in Hollywood movies and science-fiction books.
    I flip to the last entry, the one I wrote about Bloogfer.
    I squint at the words, but all I can think about are the ones Mr. P said to me in the gym.
    I didn’t find it.… It found you.
    I flip back another page and try to read the one about the Imbecile, but again, it’s no use. Mr. P’s voice is still in my head.
    It’s a special journal, pardner.
    Tiptoeing into the hallway, I peek around the corner and into Lucy’s room. The pink polka-dotted night-light gives the room a rose-colored glow. Her stuffed animals are lined up across her bed, standing guard, like usual.
    Only Lucy isn’t in the bed.
    I look down. There, in the middle of the rug, my sister sleeps curled up in a ball. Her leg twitches, like she’s chasing something in her sleep.
    I hurry back to my room. The magnolia tree outside my window sways in the wind, its branches tap-tapping on my windowsill. I grab my jeans off the floor and dig into the back pocket, finding Pickles’s note again.
    Pickles said the answers wouldn’t be as obvious as they seem. But I think I know someone who can at least help me start figuring out the questions.

    Monday morning, I hightail it to school before anyone’s awake. The sun is just starting to peek above Gatehouse as I run across the street and then the courtyard. I take the steps two at a time and try the double doors, but they are still locked. Even the janitors aren’t here yet.
    I lean against the cold brick wall and watch the colors in the sky change as the sun climbs higher. A lonesome seagull cries out overhead, probably feeling ripped off now that all the tourists have left.
    I stuff my hands into my pockets and exhale, my breath coming out in puffs. Normally, I would never be at school this early, but I’ve got to talk to Mr. P before first period. Maybe he can help me figure out if there’s some connection between the things I’m writing in my journal and the things that are happening

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