Breeders (Breeders #1)

Free Breeders (Breeders #1) by Ashley Quigley

Book: Breeders (Breeders #1) by Ashley Quigley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Quigley
a break for two weeks. We will talk again next week
and see how it has been going. Good luck.” With that he exited the room.
    Mason, having said nothing the entire time, leant forward on
his knees, rubbing his temples with his forefingers. He looked as stressed as I
felt. Sad even. “Should we go home, Ariet?” I nodded as tears welled in my eyes
and began to stream down my face.
    I spent the rest of the day curled up in a fetal position on
my bed. Mason brought lunch to my room, a warm broth he had made. When the dark
had taken away the light, he knocked gently at the door. “Ariet, it’s time to
scan.” I walked robotically to the scanner and noticed he had spread a lavish
meal on the table. I paused to look at it. Fresh flowers scented the room. “Trying
to cheer you up a bit,” he said quietly. I smiled softly at his attempt.
    Mason tried to get through dinner, chatting about stories from
his youth in the Children’s Centre with Thor; getting up to mischief with Thor’s
strength and his photographic memory. They had caused all sorts of trouble. But
fun trouble, he explained. I just couldn’t let go of what was coming. We had to
do this every night for two weeks. As I started to panic again, realizing it
was only a few minutes away, I remembered the vial Jules had given me. Without
thinking, I got up from the table, asking Mason if he could make me some tea
and bring it to my room while I got ready. I scampered down the passageway.
    Mason arrived a few minutes later, tea in hand. Placing it
on the table next to the bed, he looked at his feet awkwardly. “So, where do
you want to do this?” I look at him strangely. “My room or your room?” he
    “Your room!” I almost shouted.
    “Okay. I’ll wait for you in there?”
    Nodding, “Please close the door behind you.” I hurriedly fished
the vial out from under my mattress. Placing exactly four drops in my tea as
Jules had directed, I returned it back to its hiding place. Gulping down my tea,
I nervously paced the room, waiting to feel something different. Nothing
happened. Nothing at all. I couldn’t wait any longer without drawing attention
from Mason. I cursed inwardly, feeling alone all again.
    Let’s just get this over and done with , I commanded myself. I tiptoed down to Mason’s room, hoping
he would be asleep and we could skip tonight. As fate would have it, he was
pacing his room as well. He turned as I entered the room and walked towards me,
slowly placing his arms on my shoulders. Looking deeply into my eyes, he
whispered, “Are you ready? Please know this is difficult for me, too.”
    With that he leant down and kissed me. Gently, probing my
mouth open, stroking my arms. As the kiss deepened, I noticed my body
responding involuntarily, leaning in to kiss him back. Without saying anything
he walked us towards the bed and sat down, removing his shirt, waiting for me
to join him. Sitting down tentatively, I slowly removed my suit, following his
lead. As we lay down looking at each other, barely touching, I suddenly felt at
peace. As if I had accepted my fate. Closing my eyes, I allowed myself to drift
off to another place, always aware of his body touching mine, responding,
despite my lack of emotion for this man. When it was over, I drifted off to
sleep, blissfully unaware of Mason lying next to me, watching me angrily.
    I woke up feeling refreshed. It was the best I had felt
since I had arrived at Centre Town. Stretching my limbs, I opened my eyes. Wait
a second. This isn’t my room. Where am I? I jumped up and ran to the
doorway, fearing that I had been taken again. Yanking the door open, I collided
with Mason.
    “You’re up.” Ok, this was Mason’s room. My panic subsided. “Your
morning meal is almost ready. Don’t forget to scan after you have washed up.”
    I padded back to my room, the sheet still wrapped
protectively around me. My memory was muddy. I remembered the tea, walking
towards Mason’s room, then nothing

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