His Forbidden Submissive

Free His Forbidden Submissive by Brandi Evans

Book: His Forbidden Submissive by Brandi Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brandi Evans
Tags: Erótica
couplings, the artificial scent of vanilla and lavender that usually clung to her was gone, replaced by the subtle scent of woman and sex. And him. She smelled like she belonged to him.
    And damn, wouldn’t that be nice.
    Viv stirred under his attention. Her body went hard beneath the weight of her “first-morning-stretch” but then immediately softened. “Go away,” she said, a smile stretching her mouth. “I’m exhausted. Someone kept me up all night.”
    “What a coincidence. Someone kept me up all night too.”
    She pushed closer. “Feels like you’re, um, up again now.”
    “What can I say?” He tugged her fully against him, giving her side a good press with his morning wood. “You’re naked in my bed, my scent all over you, you’re lucky I let you sleep at all.”
    Laughing, she pushed onto her elbows, wrapped herself around him and leaned in for a long, deep kiss. Their tongues played, soft little flicks that weren’t necessarily leading anywhere. Kissing for the sake of kissing. With Viv.
    He liked that.
    “Good morning,” she said when she finally pulled back. “It is morning, right?”
    “Closer to noon than morning. I think we finally got to sleep sometime around dawn.”
    “Well in that case, good afternoon.”
    He laughed, leaned in and pressed his lips against her shoulder. “You do have a change of clothes, right?”
    Confusion wrinkled her forehead. “I just moved out of the house I shared with my husband for a decade. Practically my entire wardrobe is in my trunk. Why?”
    “Because I have a little surprise for you, sweetheart.”
    “Mmm, I like the sound of that. What is it?”
    “It’s not so much something I want to give you but something I want to show you, a little insight into me so to speak.”
    The sparkle in her eyes grew in intensity and she snuggled closer. “I like the sound of that much better.”
    “Good.” He tapped another kiss against her lips, but what he’d meant to be a quick kiss before crawling out of bed and dressing suddenly turned into flat-out tongue warfare.
    Viv coiled her arms around his neck, pulling, tugging, using her legs as sexy weapons, until she had him in the absolute worst possible position for maintaining his personal resolution for no more sex until he’d told her the truth.
    Right smack between her naked legs.
    Her feet hooked at his back, forcing his hard cock into ultra-close proximity to her spread-and-ready pussy. She rocked her hips into him, her wet heat painting the sensitive underside of his shaft. With one easy move, he could be balls-deep in all her scorching heat, but he’d made up his mind to—
    Viv moaned his name. “Broooock.” A long, deep sound brimming with need and desire. For him, all for him.
    And common sense went out the window.
    “Did we go through that entire box of condoms last night?” she asked, breathless.
    “No, there’s still a few left.”
    “Then grab one already. I need your cock inside me, and I need it there now .”
    Didn’t have to tell him twice.
    He rolled to his back and reached toward the nightstand. Just as his fingertips graced the foil pack, Viv straddled him. They grappled over the condom, but enthusiasm interfered with efficiency. It took them two tries to get the damn rubber rolled into place.
    Things picked up speed from there. His hands encircled her petite waist. She took him by the base of his cock as he slammed home.
    She groaned, her hips pumping against his. “God yes.” Her hands pressed into the mattress on either side of his neck as she pushed back onto his groin.
    Whack, whack, whack.
    And that was when reality came crashing down. Her assault was nonstop. No tenderness, no Vivian sweetness. This was pure, ultra-passionate fucking. The problem with that?
    She was in control, not him, and that was unacceptable.
    “Get up.” Authority saturated his words. Commanding. It was the voice he used at the club, with his subs. “I want you on your knees facing the

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