Ahead of the Darkness
    “Which one looks the best?”
    Drew reached forward and removed the lime wedge from mine, and threw it in the sink.
    “Aye, which one looks the best?” I elbowed Drew in the ribs, and he chuckled lightly.
    “This one. The salt stuff on the glass looks more even.” HA! Drew grumbled incomprehensively to himself.
    “Aye, and which one tastes better?” He took a big sip of Drew’s first, and then mine. He took a few small sips of both, and hmm ed and ah ed. It was plain to see that he couldn’t tell the difference, but Drew was eagerly waiting for an answer.
    He needn’t have bothered. “Mia wins, hands down.”
    I laughed. Drew folded his arms across his chest. “Sorry son, it has a clear woman’s touch.”
    “Aye it’s bloody rigged.”
    "The cocktail queen of Cascades!" Jules yelled into the crowd. Everyone laughed and cheered. Drew pretended to frown and pout, but I could see his eyes sparkled with amusement.
    The orders came in fast, and happy hour became three hours. I was rushed off my feet the whole time, not even noticing the DJ had arrived at some point and by eleven pm, the club was pumping at full capacity. It was crazy, and I loved it.
    "So, sweet thing, ya gonna give me ya number?" The seventh guy to tried and hit on me for the night. I say try because they didn’t get far ...
    "Ye harassing my staff again, Jimmy?"
    Because Drew was always there, putting them in their place.
    "You never complained when it was Mac." We looked over to see Mac leaning all over the bar, flirting.
    "Aye, she gives more than she gets, mind."
    "You don't think I can give as good as I get?" I watched as Drew fought a smirk.
    "I nae said that, love."
    "Maybe I wanted to give this guy—”
    “Jimmy.” The guy added, Drew shot him a look, and he took his drink and walked off.
    “Maybe I wanted to give Jimmy my number, or any of the others." That shut Drew up quickly. He was definitely taken aback. He leaned in closer so he didn’t have to yell over the music.
    "Did ye wanna give him ye number, or one of the other lads?”
    “I might have. You didn’t give me a chance to find out.”
    “I thought ..."
    "Thought what?" My pulse quickened. Thought I wanted you?
    "Thought ye ... weren't like that.” Well damn ... “I didn’t mean any harm. I'll leave ye to fend for yerself." And he walked off without another peep.
    What the? Apparently, just because he couldn’t have me no one else could, and I was the tart?
    I was in such a funk until close. Drew didn’t say a thing to me for the rest of the night. It made my mood all the worse that he seemed to avoid me, and the word must have spread. No one tried to ask for my number or flirt with me after the last guy had left. I couldn’t understand him at all.
    “You need a ride, Mia?” Jules asked as I shut the locker, bag in hand.
    “Jules, did ye lock the door?” Drew interrupted gruffly.
    “Yeah, you just saw me lock it, like, five minutes ago.” He frowned at Drew and turned back to me. “Did ya need someone to take you home?”
    “Oh. No, I’ll walk.”
    “Tough cookie to crack.” Jules nodded, and opened the staff door for me to walk through first I wasn’t sure if I should wait for Drew or not. He’d still not said a word to me. Bugger it .
    “Mia, ye got a minute?” Drew yelled from the office door. Jules and I stopped short.
    “I’ll see ya tomorrow night. Yeah?”
    “Unless Drew fires me in the next minute.” Jules smiled like he knew something I didn’t.
    “I think ya good. Night Mi.” I frowned, and he chuckled as he walked off.
    “Did I do something wrong?”
    “What? No, I just wanted to talk to ye about ... how do ye like it?”
    “I’m sorry?” Ah ...
    “Tonight. How’d ye like it?” Oh.
    “It was fine.” Mostly.
    “Fine? Ye dinnae like it?”
    “No. It was fine. It’s late, Drew. What exactly do you need?”
    “I’m trying to find out if ye want the job or not.”
    “Oh ... Do you want to give me

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