Sea Glass Sunrise

Free Sea Glass Sunrise by Donna Kauffman

Book: Sea Glass Sunrise by Donna Kauffman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Kauffman
nudged Hannah ever so gently. “You could stand to eat a few of those rolls. Just sayin’.”
    Hannah looked at Alex. “I hope you’ll come around to the idea of not being an only anymore, because you’re about to add three siblings to your family tree, whether you want to or not.”
    Alex’s smile wobbled a little. “I don’t cry either, so you need to cut that out right now.” Then Fiona opened her arms and they all found themselves in a sloppy, teary group hug.
    Which was how Logan found them. “Did somebody die?”
    Fiona looked up first, and snuffled loudly. “What? No. We’re welcoming Alex to the family fold.”
    “Please don’t leave me,” Logan said to Alex with utmost sincerity. Then he turned to Hannah and his face split wide with a grin. “Welcome home, you.”
    Hannah flew into his arms, then snuffled inelegantly all over his plaid work shirt. He was rock solid, as always. “I’ve missed you so much.”
    “Let me see this face,” he said, leaning back. He tipped up her chin and gently brushed the tears from her bruised cheeks, his own suspiciously bright.
    “Welcome home, indeed, right?” For the first time, she was grateful to Calder and what had happened in that intersection. It gave her a convenient excuse for the waterworks she couldn’t seem to switch back to the off position. And if everyone was busy worrying about her injuries, they wouldn’t notice her natural spark had been dimmed for entirely different reasons.
    Fiona took her sister’s arm. “Come on, let’s go see what magic we can create, then I’m going to show you the dress you’re wearing to rehearsal.”
    “You didn’t need to do that.”
    Fiona eyed her without even a shred of curiosity. “You actually brought a bridesmaid dress? Let me guess. It’s tasteful, elegant, and not remotely mortifying. We’re shooting for humiliation in satin and tulle.”
    Hannah thought about trying to brazen her way through it, but then broke and said, “Yeah, I got nuthin’.”
    “That’s what I thought.” Fiona steered Hannah inside the big, rambling house, through the living room to the landing of the main stairs.
    “I can’t wear anything of yours,” Hannah protested, “unless part of the humiliation factor is a floor-length dress that hits me just below the knees.”
    “You’re not that much taller than me, Gargantua, and give me some credit. I trolled the secondhand stores. And Delia’s grandmother’s attic trunks.” She grinned and the light that twinkled to life in her dark gold eyes was nothing short of evil. “I think we found a winner.”
    Hannah groaned and followed her sister up the stairs, across the open balcony hallway to the two smaller bedrooms that had once been hers and Logan’s. He’d long since claimed the master at the top of the stairs, and Fiona, whose childhood room had been off the kitchen on the main floor below, had taken her old room as soon as she’d left for college. Logan’s old room was now the guest room Hannah stayed in when she was home. Kerry had always had a room out in one of the additions that stretched out the back of the house toward the water, which had suited her more bohemian personality . . . and kept the riotous music and higher-decibel lifestyle she enjoyed at enough of a distance as to make her sibs feel less homicidal toward her. Most of the time.
    “This wasn’t my idea,” Alex called up the stairs after them. “I’m fine with everyone just coming in jeans, T-shirt, and flip-flops.”
    Hannah glanced down over the balustrade at her. “You did ask Fiona to help with the wedding preparations, right?”
    Alex nodded. “She’s a brilliant New York interior designer and my future sister-in-law. What’s not to love about that combination?”
    “See? Thank you,” Fiona called down over the railing, beaming triumphantly.
    Hannah gave her sister a quelling look. “Public shaming in horrifying bridesmaid apparel, that’s what is not to love.” She glanced

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