Dark Exorcist 2 (Dark Exorcist Series)

Free Dark Exorcist 2 (Dark Exorcist Series) by Tim Miller

Book: Dark Exorcist 2 (Dark Exorcist Series) by Tim Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tim Miller
last, letting the door swing shut behind him. The store was dark, but there were huge TV’s mounted on the walls and computers up on stands throughout the store. Dale was already toward the center at the counter busting open the registers.
    “Why you think they left the door unlocked?” Dale asked.
    “I don’t know. Maybe they left in a hurry,” Skip said. He watched as Cody, Asia and their crew began hauling TV’s out to the truck. Dale pried a drawer open and started stuffing cash into a bag.
    “Dude, there’s a few thousand dollars here.”
    “Good, get all of it.”
    One of Cody’s guys came walking back inside. Skip didn’t know his name and didn’t care.
    “I’m gonna go look in back. Maybe there’s a safe or stuff back there.” He said. Skip just nodded as he grabbed several laptops. As he headed out to the truck, there was a scream from the back room.
    “What the fuck was that?” Skip asked. “One of Cody’s guys went back there.”
    Dale turned from the register as Skip sat down the laptops, drew his gun and headed to the back. When the door swung open, Dale fell to the ground and threw up. Skip stood trying to figure out what exactly he was seeing. There were several people who looked insane on top of Cody’s guy. He was lying on his stomach reaching out to Skip. His eyes were almost coming out of his head as he screamed.
    Several of the crazies had ripped off some of his clothes and were gnawing at his legs, and one was tugging on his arm as if it was trying to rip it off. There was an older man on top of him humping away at his ass. All of them were covered in blood and looked and acted like wild animals. One of them looked at Skip.
    “You! Hey you! Fuck you! Hahahahaha!”

Chapter 18
    “W hat the fuck do we do?” Laura asked. “The whole damn town is possessed.”
    “I see that,” Dietrich said.
    “Is Simon doing this? Is he controlling them?” Sharon asked.
    “Yes and no. Whatever is controlling Simon is controlling all of these people,” Dietrich explained.
    The sound of a siren came from down the street. Dietrich looked out the window and saw a police car with its lights and siren on, flying down the street, plowing over each of the afflicted. Bodies flew in the air as some disappeared beneath the car. Derrick ran outside waving his arms. The car slowed down and pulled to a stop on the sidewalk. Two DPS officers stepped out.
    “You folks better get out of town. These afflicted are all over!” one of them shouted.
    “Weren’t you guys watching the perimeter?” Derrick asked.
    “There is no perimeter. They shredded the other officers and a bunch are headed into San Antonio.”
    “Where are you guys going?”
    “Dallas. I would too if I were you.” They got back into the car and sped off.
    “Well, to protect and serve I guess,” Laura said. “Looks like you’re it.” She nodded to Derrick.
    “I’m it what?”
    “You’re the whole police department.”
    “So what’s the plan, Chief?” Laura asked.
    “Fuck if I know. Fighting demons isn’t exactly in our job description.”
    “We all have to do it,” Amanda said. “You guys fight them from here. I’ll have to enter Purgatory to get to Simon and Yeshto’th.”
    “What will you do when you find him?” Dietrich asked.
    “I don’t know yet. I’ve never actually fought one in Purgatory.”
    “But to do that, your body will remain here. You’ll be vulnerable.”
    “We’re all vulnerable now anyway.”
    “Why would they be going into the city?” Laura asked.
    “Yeshto’th is all about mayhem. His whole purpose is to spread it. A small town like this isn’t enough for him. He’s looking to expand.”
    “Expand what?”
    “Hell on Earth.”
    “Isn’t that what K’rall was trying to do to me?” Amanda said.
    “Yes. It seems to be a common thread among all of them. They are like a force of nature. Locusts go through and annihilate everything in their path and move on. These

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