Wicked Enchantment

Free Wicked Enchantment by Anya Bast

Book: Wicked Enchantment by Anya Bast Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anya Bast
    “I understand you’re placed quite highly in the Black Tower. Seems like you must be comfortable there. I can’t really believe you want to give all that up just because you’re bored.”
    He took a sip of wine. “Maybe I want to explore my mother’s Seelie Sídhe blood a bit, at least the little of it that she had. And I never lied about being bored, Aislinn. You’ll see. You tend to search for more exciting stimulus at such an advanced age, even if it means defecting one court for another.”
    “You’re not exactly elderly.” She raised an eyebrow. “I’m sure most women think you’re very . . . very . . .”
    “Virile.” Her cheeks turned a bit rosy.
    He grinned. “And what about you? Do you think I’m virile?”
    The rosy blush in her cheeks turned to red anger. “I’m done with men for a very long time, so you can get that thought right out of your head—and off your face, too.”
    He’d let her hold on to that lie for just a little while longer.
    “Yes, the gossip of your breakup with Kendal is all over the Seelie Court.”
    “I don’t want to talk about it.”
    “Fine, but I do want to say one thing. Kendal is an idiot. Every time I see him, I want to punch him. He never deserved you.” Gabriel leaned forward. “If you let one miserable man spoil all your future chances for love, that’s stupid on your part.”
    She gave a short burst of unexpected laughter. “Thanks for that bit of advice I never asked for.”
    His lips twitched. “Anytime.”
    “You may not be as bad as I thought, Gabriel.”
    “I’m glad you’re finally coming to that conclusion. I can’t help what I am, Aislinn. I’m half incubus and while I can control my magick to some extent, most of it comes naturally to me. It’s a part of who I am. Believe me, it’s not always easy. It’s got its downside.”
    Lie number two. Occasionally it was tiresome fending off the advances of someone he wasn’t attracted to, but overall his magick was one of the better kinds to have, in his opinion. He never spent a night alone unless he wanted to. Of course, there was the stray person here and there who seemed unaffected by his charm. Like sweet miss Aislinn. But that only made things more interesting.
    “Other than being pure-bloodline Tuatha Dé, what magick do you possess?” He couldn’t wait to hear her answer this question. Time to put her in an uncomfortable position. He leaned back and drained the last of the wine in his glass.
    She cleared her throat and—was it his imagination?—did she go pale? How fascinating. “I have the power of prediction. I dream things that come true sometimes. Mostly I dream of people’s deaths.”
    “That’s dark.” The words, of course, were calculated on his part.
    She flinched. “It has its darker moments. It’s not an uncommon sort of magick for a Seelie to have, however. It’s not a magick that can kill or maim.”
    “Did you dream the death of your family’s friend?”
    “No.” Her gaze dropped into her lap. “My gift is unpredictable that way. I dreamed of someone else’s death last night.”
    “Someone you know?”
    She looked up, a wry smile flickering over her luscious mouth. “Yes, intimately.”
    “I’m sorry. But you know death is a part of living. We might exist on this earth for centuries on end, but eventually we’ll all be collected by the Wild Hunt.”
    Flinch again. Maybe having her first encounter with the Wild Hunt had thrown her a little. “True, but it’s still a sad thing.”
    Gabriel shook his head. “Not always. Sad for those we leave behind, maybe. But I believe our souls pass into another life. There is no death, only change. You’ve seen the Wild Hunt in action, I’m sure, flying through the night. If nothing comes after death, there would be no reason for them to do what they do.”
    She smiled. “It’s a nice idea. I hope you’re right.”
    “I think I am right.” He surveyed the wreck of their dinner.

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